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Analyze a Blog: Desert Thirst

  • Member
    April 23, 2014

    Okan-Zeeus here! We'll be looking at Desert Thirst this week, the first series in Thiago's Tales. Ask the author any questions and discuss the blog here.

    Other Blog Analysis

    Thiago's Tales TOC

  • Member
    May 23, 2014

    The tag/TOC title are squared away to be changed :)

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    After reading the tale so far and the RP profile, it seems there is little hope of redemption for Alazir. Is there a spark of goodness in there, buried deep beneath all that rage? In the story, Kotara says the heart of a Redguard still beats within Alazir's chest, but it seems that gets lost once he embraces vampirism.

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    Sadly, Kotara's hope is in vain. If Alazir were a character build, it would be tagged "Villain".

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    Irredeemable then, although not two dimensionally so. I like that.

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    One of things I like is how you portray the Redguard people, factions and the cities like Hegathe. You mention it being near the coast in observance to the lore. Did you find yourself doing a lot of research prior to writing, or were you learning along the way, or maybe a bit of both?

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    Writing fiction is about the only time I find myself willingly doing research, and this was no exception. Getting to know Redguard lore through Desert Thirst was a lot of fun. Most of what I needed, I had plotted out in advance and looked it up all at once, but there are still times I go to double check things, or see if lore matches up with what I'm envisioning.

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    What was the name of that militia group Alazir trained with? Did you make the name up? Hammerfell is famous for it's knightly orders so did you ever intend to make one up to use in the story?

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    The Dire Wolves, I believe it was. I chose them from a snippet of lore saying they were arena gladiators based in Gilane, where Alazir ended up after the invasion started. His contact with these "less professional" warriors is likely what kept him from really rubbing shoulders with any of the knightly orders, and allowed the loss of his war camp to go relatively unnoticed.

  • Member
    February 17, 2015

    That makes sense, good call.