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Analyze a Blog: The Seventh Path

  • March 26, 2014

    Hello, I'm Soneca, and this week we will be discussing an old favorite. Arma's Seventh Path has been around early last year, and it certainly deserves our attention. Discuss below.

    Other Blog Analysis

    The Seventh Path TOC

  • Member
    March 26, 2014

    Vyrthur is awesome! Much more badass than in the game!  Also, Arma, I feel ashamed... 

  • March 26, 2014

    So Arma, before you wrote the seventh path you also had another blog going, one following the origin story of Cassandra. In this blog you do hint at the Temple of Steel, my question is, did you know you were going to write Silver's story even before that, or his came afterwards?

  • March 26, 2014

    No, I just wasn't satisfied with Cassandra's story, and then I did the Dawnguard questline. It made me rethink the blog and start over.

    For one I think I made Cassandra sound a bit too bitchy in the first blog, so I wanted to remake that. She is meant to be a female stereotype breaker. Females are often portrayed as having excentric attitudes, either as being all cute and submissive or having a huge "independent woman" ego. Cass is meant to be neutral, she's got her evil ideology and is revengeful, but is nonchalant about it. Even in the way she ends up dressing after her armor is broken, in battle garments, it's not feminine at all.

    Secondly, when I played the Dawnguard DLC, I was fascinated by the plot and really wanted to write about it, my own way. I wasn't too happy on how Serana became too dependent on the Dragonborn, and was tired of the main character being the Dragonborn at all. I wanted to make a point on my ideals of a good relationship. Silver is one of my old recurring characters I always use when writing stories and I thought he was perfect for her.

    And yes, the Temple of Steel was supposed to be the last mystery of the first blog, and still will be the last mystery of The Seventh Path. Cassandra and Silver will both still learn about it, even if they might never uncover the truth.

    If you have any questions about the characters, now is the time

  • March 26, 2014

    In your blog you portray Miraak and Vyrthur as "good guys" what was your inspiration for doing that? And did you feel like you had to change their nature while doing that or it did it fit their personalities? Also, how did you tackle the dragonborn timeline, you go into little detail about Miraak's resurrection, was he free for a long time, what did he do when he awoke, or you will still go into detail about that later in the blog?

  • March 26, 2014

    Vyrthur isn't a "good" guy, he is all about his personal interest. He did almost kill the two main characters, though you could say he was defending himself. He is thousands of years old by now and views people as things that come and go without much meaning. It didn't make sense to me how he became a vampire in the original story so I decided to change that. The idea of him being imprisoned by Akatosh makes more sense to me, and also allows for Akatosh to play more of a role in the story. Vyrthur knows him personally, and knows he will be the end of him if he doesn't do anything, so he joins up with those who can still put up a fight. In the end you could say he does have some empathy for the others because of having a common enemy.

    Miraak... I just thought it was interesting to create a Nord counterpart for Vyrthur. He shares more or less the same backgroud: belonged to the Dawn Era, knew Akatosh personally, was "deceived" by him (yet to be revealed), and now in the present time he came to understand it was important to unite all mankind rather than provoke chaos. He understands that while other races have gods to protect and lead them, in the case of mankind Lorkhan is gone, so they need to work together. There will be another flashback about his past, along with Neloth.

  • March 26, 2014

    Looking forward to seeing it, thank you for taking the time to answer :)

  • March 27, 2014

    So, Cassandra is some what of a badass. Why make her so strong her powers rival a God? I've always wondered, was it because you thought yourself that the Dragonborn is as strong as such? That is what I think.

  • March 28, 2014

    She used to be weak, like any mortal. Cass exploited something in order to obtain that power, which was just revealed last chapter.