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Looking for input and possible collaboration

  • March 22, 2014

    I'm starting an original storyline. I know it's not canon because it takes place around 225 years after the events of Skyrim. I doubt it will appeal to everyone but I'm hoping someone loves the idea as much as I do.

    This is just a skeletal plot so some of the info isn't really flushed out and I'm open to ideas.

    -Went with the Empire winning the Skyrim Civil War.

    -Elisif became High Queen.

    -Karliah is named Empress after long deliberations and takes her Septim name.

    -4E 275 Was the start of the Second Great War.

    -4E 276 The Empire loses control of Cyrodiil and is forced to retreat to Skyrim.

    -4E 278 With the Thalmor pushing the southern borders of Skyrim and Hammerfell the Governments of High Rock, Hammerfell and the Imperial Skyrim convene to create a combined government they named the New Order of Tamriel. They also create the Senate which is comprised of 5 representatives from Skyrim, 3 from Hammerfell, 3 from High Rock and 1 representative from the orc strongholds.

    -4E c.278-340 The 2nd Great War continues as The Thalmor push the New Orders borders.

    -4E 341 The New Order begin pushing back the Thalmor

    (Reasoning behind this is the Thalmor tacticians and military leaders have gotten used to the tactics of the old military leaders. Considering the Altmer have a much longer lifespan than the average human, many of the old human tacticians die and new ones take over so their tactics change and the Thalmor are taken by surprise which leads to a major New Order victory. The momentum of the war shifts.)

    -4E 400 The Thalmor are pushed to the southern coast of Tamriel. Many flee by sea back to the Summerset Isle but most are captured, interrogated and executed. Some defect to the New Order

    4E c.400-401 The Senate votes in favor of Invading the Summerset Isle and begin building their invasion forces.

    4E 401 New Order forces arrive on the coast of Summerset Isle. This became known as the Battle of Dawn. After a difficult battle lasting weeks the New Order forces take the Northeastern coast. Gaining a strong foothold on the city of Firsthold they begin to push south until they control all of the small northeastern island.

    4E c.402-411 The N.O. forces push west and continue their victories until they surround the final Aldmeri Dominion forces at Lillandril who surrender. The Nobles and military leaders are all publicly executed. The N.O. vote to end the 4th era ushering in the 5th by anointing mayors to govern the cities of Summerset Isle.

    5E 3 The Mundane Act is passed outlawing unauthorized use of magic.

    5E 10 The Senate votes to begin sending expeditionary groups to search for new lands to found colonies.

    5E 13 Redguard explorer Azeed Javar and his expeditionary group of ships land on an uncharted continent far southeast of Tamriel. They establish a small village and begin planting crops for harvest. Azeed names the village New Sentinel.

    5E 15 After storing enough food a ship is sent back to Tamriel to report their successful colonization

    5E 16 Ship returns to New Sentinel with colonist, scientists and supplies. It also carries an elected mayor by the name of Jacque-Pierre Van Cynric, a Breton. He also carries a letter from the Senate which names the new continent Aldeemire (All-Dee-Mire). 

    This is around where I want to the story to start. 2 main characters, an explorer who arrived on the ship returning to New Sentinel and an enforcer of the Mundane Act. The enforcer is part of a guild sanctioned and funded by the New Order called the Inquisitors.

    The setting is very grim and comparable to the colonial era. I wanted to add new technologies and social structures. Some new weapons I'm adding are like our black powder weapons such as muskets, flintlock pistols and canons. I haven't started mulling over the idea of how these operate but I definitely want them in there. They're rare and expensive so swords, bows and crossbows are still widely used.

    The Mundane Act was passed because the New Order knew that one of the main reasons the Aldmeri Dominion won so many battles in the 1st Great War and were so strong in the 2nd was their incredible mastery of magic in battle. To prevent anymore issues with Thalmor spies still alive or Aldmeri sympathizers they decided to minimize and control the use of magic. Examples of those with a license to use magic are certain smiths, healers, military members, lawmen, Inquisitors and researchers. So schools like the college of Winterhold have much more stringent requirements for entry. I wanted to tone down the use of magic and bring on a more low fantasy setting. So the Inquisitors hunt for unauthorized uses of magic. Kind of like the witch hunts. Necromancy and atromancy are the most commonly used illegal magics. Necromancy is outlawed completely.

    It's a small amount of information but I think it's a decent start. I'm looking for some input.

    I'm providing a link to an updated timeline.

    Revised Timeline

  • Member
    March 22, 2014

    This is a very well thought out plot, I think. One thing I think is lacking is justification for the Mundane Act. I DEFINITELY understand why you want to cut back on magic. I prefer fantasy tales with less magic, too, but I think it needs to be justified in-story more. That's a DRASTIC step, and there are many many magic users in Tamriel that would not appreciate that. But, seriously, this is a really cool synopsis here. Lots of room for... coolness. I'm intrigued!

  • March 23, 2014

    Thanks! I've been mulling over ideas as to why. There are magic users in the Senate. Again I'm open to ideas if you have any. I mean looking at history any powerful government is that they love control. Magic is something that would be very difficult to control especially when it's a single government trying to control an entire continent and a large island. It wouldn't be outlandish to think that the Senate would pass the act so that they could minimize the use of magic without purpose and keep logs of all licensed users.

  • March 23, 2014

    Here's a link to a revised timeline. I've been wracking my brain for new ideas but it's showing.

    Revised Timeline

  • Member
    March 24, 2014

    Hmmm, I like it. I don't get on the blog very often but from what I've read I would be interested in trying to help you out. Been a while since I worked with anyone on something like this and it would be interesting to play around with these two characters you have in mind. Message me if you'd like and we can start discussion. If anything we might come up with some new ideas to help each other out with out respective stories.