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Table of Contents, Of Wine and Gold, by Casey

  • Member
    February 8, 2014

    Welcome reader!

    This is the memoir of Gerson, an Imperial Prowler, and all that has transpired since he came to Skyrim. Please check back often for new installments of high adventure and nefarious enterprise!

    Of Wine and Gold

    Vo.1- Ragged Flagon to Golden Goblet


    Chapter One

  • Member
    February 8, 2014
    Awesome! I'll be able to link this in a couple of hours, after my computer has updated. I love the way it's written, as the memoirs of a brilliant thief, rather than a present tense journey like most 1st person blogs. Great writing style, too, really gets you into the mindset of a Prowler.
  • Member
    February 8, 2014

    Thanks Raidriar, and thanks for allowing me to use your specific build as a template for this guy, probably wouldn't have started reading and writing here in the story corner otherwise!

    I hope I can do honor to the Prowler and bring good publicity to the life of crime in Skyrim! 

    I wanted to point out that if it seems like I am narrating with some sense of being far into the character playthrough, I'm still only level 12- but I have played Skyrim enough to lead Gerson in a direction I know thoroughly well. I'm generally planning his life ahead of time, with plenty of room/ actual dependency for contingencies and random occurrence. Let me know if you personally want the low-down on what I have planned thus far, I can P.M. you.


  • Member
    February 8, 2014
    I'd love to hear it if that's alright with you.
  • Member
    March 4, 2014

    When the next chapter will be posted? I really liked the history and your writing style!

  • Member
    March 4, 2014
    thanks! its nice to know there are potential readers to follow Gersons path. I'll be posting the first installment tonight, that new Thief game has commanded my free time recently lol. Just gotta type it up from my notebook and edit it thoroughly, but do check back in a few.