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Alcarien's Accounts | Prologue & TOC - Chronicler

  • Member
    February 1, 2014

    Being an old elf of failing memory and having a story of great importance and perhaps greater length, I have long felt the need to share my tale; however, I have also felt that my aging tongue lacks the necessary skill to recount it all as it happened without boring my audience into a rather deep sleep. For that reason, I have kept my story within me, contemplating how I might tell it all without permitting the recounting of the tale to either fall short or embellish the excitement of the actual events. In hopes that the written word rather than the spoken shall be more reliable, I have taken up pen and parchment in attempts to retell the story.

    Between the binding of the book you now hold in your hands follows a tale you may perhaps regard as fantastical or even fictional, but I assure you that it is both a true and exciting tale, but more importantly it is a firsthand account of the adventures of the Dovahkiin in the days of the Dragon Crisis.

    -Alcarien Laure

    Author's Notes/Prologue

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

  • Member
    February 1, 2014

    Just added this to the A-C page. Thanks for following protocol.  Looking forward to the adventures of Alcarien. 

  • Member
    February 1, 2014

    Thank you! Just to double check, did I post this all correctly? I understood how to do the ToC and then to link back to it, but to post new chapters, do I just continue to post a new discussion? And where exactly do I do this? 

  • Member
    February 2, 2014

    You've posted them in the right place as blogs, and linked them to here perfectly. Keep up the good work!