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The God Complex - Part 1

  • January 30, 2014

    The night was still, stars back lit the black skyline and only the wildlife seemed to talk. In the middle of the forest sat a young Imperial boy no older then 13, he was leaning against a fallen pine tree contemplating if the grumbles and rumbles he was hearing were just coming from his own stomach cheering for a decent meal or if their was something in the woods, soon the noise stopped and complete silence washed over the forest, the boys eyes were dreary and soon they became heavier and heavier with each passing blink, suddenly he found himself unable to keep them open and dropped off into a slumber.

    Reliving past memories his body started juddering and moans and mutterings came from his seemingly lifeless looking body laying next to the huge dead tree, then silence once more.


    It echoed through the forest like a clap of thunder, the young boy jolted up immediately "You always had a way with words, brother" he whispered to himself.

    Not far away stood a camp site set up by Stormcloaks, stood in a semi-circle were several Nords, males and females with weapons drawn and wearing quilted armour draped in blue cloth.

    "Got you Imperial scum!" shouted a tall muscular Nord with dark red hair.

    "Are you a scout? how far are the rest of your team? why are you here?" the stocky woman became angrier with each passing question yet not giving the boy time to speak before the next question left her lips.

    "ME?! A SCOUT?! aha no no no no I'm the General! but you can call me Mr Tullius ahahaha" the Imperial said slurring his words and adding a hiccup to the end. 

    "By Talos, this boy is drunk! oh the thrill of being young again hey guys" the blonde haired Stormcloak said half-heartedly.

    "You won't see this as a laughing matter Ralof when you realise he's drank 3 bottles of your Alto wine" another female Stormcloak retorted.

    Ralofs smurk soon became sour when he turned to see his chest had been broken into, he smacked the young lad in the face "FUCK!" yelled the Imperial.

    The teenage Imperial still tired from his slumber was remembering his part of the plan, 'fuck' was the sign to show his younger brother that the Stormcloaks were distracted enough for him to sneak into the camp and steal what food he could so they could eat once again this week. As he reached the clearing of the forest that the camp was set up in he could see his older sibling being confronted by huge statures of men and women, all of them fixated upon his brothers act, fishing soundlessly through the Stormcloaks belongings was the easy part, he filled up his bag pack with as much food as he could find, the stench was driving his taste buds insane, he could here the rumble of his stomach again, or was they something in the woods this time?

    Before they knew it Imperial soldiers surrounded the camp, the Stormcloaks realising they had no chance of escape grabbed their weapons tightly ready to attack, the older Imperial could see his younger brother across the camp being approached by Imperial soldiers "Elijah, run" he yelled, as he did this he readied a flame spell in his hand and set fire to the floor, the flame seemed to follow a set course, going straight to the heart of the camp, within in seconds it reached its destination then a pillar of fire erupted followed by a shockwave and a deafening bang it knocked a few people down but the all of a sudden sober Imperial was expecting it, he turned to run away but was met with a knock out punch to his face, then blackness just like the sky above.

  • Member
    February 8, 2014
    " F***! It echoed through the forest like a clap of thunder." Lol (from the story)