The Story Corner » Discussions

Analyze a Blog; table of contents

  • January 29, 2014

    Hello people this is Soneca, one of the hosts for the story corner. This thread will be a new feature I aim to have here on the story corner, it is simple really, the stories featured here will have a discussion attached to them, where we will be able to sit down and have a conversation about the story. For now I will use this week's blog of the week, plus some older blogs of the week to populate the thread. Without further ado, I present the discussions:

    The Outsider: TOC-/-Analysis

    Alcarien's Accounts: TOC-/-Analysis

    Myth Maker: TOC-/-Analysis

    The Last: TOC-/-Analysis

    The Last Witch Hunters: TOC/-Analysis

    A Tale of Two Travelers: TOC-/-Analysis

    The Seventh Path: TOC-/-Analysis

    Freystein's Tale: TOC-/-Analysis

    Desert Thirst: TOC-/-Analysis

    Dragon of The East: TOC-/-Analysis

  • February 11, 2014

    Week 2 analysis is up

  • February 12, 2014

    Week 3 is up

  • February 13, 2014
    Good to know you like it, be sure to check out the analysis then, by the way, none of them are closed, so you can still post your questions about the old ones
  • February 13, 2014

    It works like this, you can and should comment on the page of the blog you are reading to just give the author an immediate feedback for what you just read, that is why the comment section is there. 

    This page is just a table of contents that link you to the general discussion and analysis of the blogs that were chosen. The way we chose blogs, for now anyways, is we pick the blog of the week and put it up for discussion. I send a friend request along with a personal message to the blog's author so he is aware of the page that was created and is active and answering the questions posted to him.

    The pages on the links are both the chosen blog's analysis and table of contents for them. There you can ask anything you want from the author, anything, it's a pretty free space, just as long as it's about the story. The discussions will not be closed and I advised the authors to follow the thread so that any questions that pop up will appear on their main page and they will know about it, so even if you are 10 weeks late it is still probable that your questions will be answered.

    Hope this helped 

  • Member
    February 19, 2014

    For the Week 4 analysis, since my blog got picked, I can be around to talk about it Friday afternoon. (EST) 

    Tomorrow I have class like all damn day. 

  • February 19, 2014

    I'll have the discussion up tomorrow so people can post questions, you answer them friday then

  • Member
    April 8, 2014
    I really like this idea, 'Skyrim blog bookclub'.
  • March 2, 2015
    I think that the weakness in this is that one has to read the story before one can pick it apart and study it.
    Just a thought.
  • Member
    March 3, 2015

    I agree. I find this to be an issue with the entire Analyze a Blog concept.

    It exists purely to encourage discussion about different blogs, however the discussions are only relevant to individuals who have read and enjoyed the stories. At that point, the people who have read and enjoyed the stories probably already engage in some form of response/feedback with the author, making the need for an analytically discussion redundant.