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Analyze a Blog: The Outsider

  • Member
    January 30, 2014
    hmm, these are very interesting attributes, not ones I would have thought of myself. thanks for sharing these!
  • Member
    January 30, 2014
    a little late to this party, but...

    I keep wondering about what Lucius really thinks about Ruby. Does he consider her to be a tool to be used? Or does he have some bond of affection to her like he does with the other members of his group? I keep wondering when they're going to turn on each other - obviously not until Ruby is more powerful and understands a bit more about Lucius's nature. But I'm hoping for massive fireworks :D

    I know you can't answer that because of spoilers. But that's my lingering question.
  • January 30, 2014

    Glad to have helped 

  • January 30, 2014

    As you pointed out I can't answer some of these because yes, massive spoils, BUT, I can promise you this, you will get massive fireworks ;D

    To answer the other question, no, Lucius has no love for Ruby, it may in fact surprise you, but he does not care for the rest of the brotherhood as much as you would think he does. Just to leave you with another lingering thought, Lucius is no good guy, and he is not a typical human either, his humanity fades with each passing day, and so does his sanity...

    I'll leave you with that for now, but know this, sanity, perspective and reality will play a very important part in the story, and not just for Lucius 

  • Member
    January 30, 2014
    hrmmm, intriguing... now I'm looking forward to future installments even more than I was before!
  • January 30, 2014

    So Shade is immortal because of shadow magic?

  • January 30, 2014

    Going into a bit of spoiler side here, but here is the thing:

    He is not immortal because of shadow magic, but he has shadow magic because he is immortal (immortal here meaning not aging, like a vampire, he can still die buy the sword and such)