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Analyze a Blog: The Outsider

  • January 29, 2014

    This is the first "Analyze a Blog", here you will be free to discuss and ask the author, in this particular case me, anything you want about the story. Be it plot points, character interactions, the characters themselves, lore behind the story or anything really. I will answer all of the questions asked.

    Other blog analysis

    The Outsider TOC

  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    When can i kill Ruby?...

  • January 29, 2014

    In all seriousness, by getting this comment then I feel like my mission with Ruby is complete. the whole point, the whole structure of her character is to have a conflicting protagonist. She herself is not in any particular conflict, but the reader is, the reader realizes that she is dragonborn, that she is the only hope in stopping Alduin, and that she is, in the eyes of the masses, a hero, the hero Tamriel needs. She is also a "villain", an unlikable character that the reader feels repulsed by, she has no morals, no loyalty, and would backstab anyone for personal gain, but she is also the only one able to save Tamriel from Alduin's destruction, or is she?

  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    There are no rules saying you can't have multiple Dovahkiin. The prophecy from the Lore says that "The Last Dragonborn" will defeat Alduin. So if you kill off all but 1 of them before Alduin dies, your story will be lore-friendly.

  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    I understand how you've created her and she's one of the best characters i've seen in a blog, she's just written so well.

    EDIT: Just noticed the 'or is she...' DUH DUH DUH!!! Well just remember as a great mind once said, too many Dragonborns spoil the blog

    Still hate her though!

    P.S, Whens the next chapter coming out? I know being the new host has got you tied down but I'm kinda missing the story

  • January 29, 2014

    I am aware of that, and that was one of the things I was implying with that little teaser, but the meaning of last dragonborn is up to interpretation...

    I would really like if you read the story Saryn, how about it? Will you give it a shot?

  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    Yeah. It might take a while but I'll give it a read. I'll be avoiding this thread until I'm done to avoid spoilers though. 

  • January 29, 2014

    It was my 18th birthday last week so I was busy then, I also bought a 3ds and fire emblem so that has kept me VERY busy. on the 31st day I will be taking a trip to Vegas so I will have plenty of time to write a few chapters on the plane (or one single chapter depending on battery) and release it from my hotel room

  • January 29, 2014

    makes sense :)

  • January 29, 2014

    oh, believe me, I know that, but...

    the meaning for the "last dragonborn" may be left to interpretation, thats all I'm going to say for now...