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Ramahs' Chronicles

  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    Thank you, glad your enjoying the series

  • Member
    January 15, 2014

    Hi Ramah,  I really like the way you have laid out your Page.

    I was trying to work out how to do something similar on mine, with the My Stories oane prominent, but couldn't see any way to make it happen.

    Is this really complicated to do, and is there any guidance anywhere on how to do it?


  • Member
    January 15, 2014

    It's fairly easy to do i don't know what your having problems with so ill just say what i did to my ToC. 

    I went onto photoshop and used a custom font for my title then just saved it as a Jpg. and centre inserted it as a heading (making sure i'd cropped the text as close as possible) then i wrote a little blurb under neath it and then went back into photoshop to write out my 'Act One' heading using the same technique as i did for the title, i centered this image and then re sized it, i then just inserted links underneath for every chapter so far and centered them, (link button is top left of your text box) and thats it, im having trouble at the moment getting the same font size and font for my links but thats a minor issue, im sorry for the big detailed description i just don't know which bit your stuck on

  • Member
    January 16, 2014

    Thanks, Ramah.

    Having been inspired by seeing what you have done on your page, I went back and had another look at the customise features for mine.  I still couldn't see an option for creating or moving panes around on the page, but quite by chance I discovered that some of the existing panes can be moved.   I had tried this before but obviously chose the wrong panes as not all are moveable.

    I managed to move one pane from the bottom to the top and that has given me something similar to your's though not quite as impressive.

    Thanks, I'm much happier with My Page layout now.