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Balgruuf the Lesser, Stormcloak

  • January 16, 2012

    My name is Balgruuf, Son of Balgruuf, jarl of Whiterun.  The people call me Balgruuf the Lesser, a name I find unfair in the extreme, as I have only just reached manhood, and have yet to demonstrate whether I am more or less of a man than my father.

    I was raised to succeed my father to his throne, trained in battle, speech and alchemy, and now the time has come for me to create a name for myself.

    My father has chosen the coward’s way in our country’s revolution.  I can not understand why he will not declare himself for Ulfric Stormcloak and throw off the Imperial yoke.  I believe I would have respected his decision better if he had sided for the Empire, rather than refusing to take sides at all. Thus, I set out alone without my father’s blessing to find Ulfric Stormcloak and throw in my lot with him.

    I first sought him in Windhelm, but was told by the housecarl that he was on campaign on the border.  I set off to find him in Falkreath Hold.  I was beset by bandits on the road, and robbed of my clothing and gear. Penniless, wearing rags, I have been turned away at inns and farmhouses alike, I have stolen food from gardens and vegetables, and I have been pursued, helpless by wolves and trolls.  I have spent many wakeful nights shivering in the mountains, but I pressed on until finally… I was captured by the Imperials, knocked unconscious and thrown in the back of a cart bound for the headsman.

    This last was, on some morbid sense, a bit of luck.  Had they not captured me, I believe I would have frozen to death before daylight.  Furthermore, I finally found Ulfric Stormcloak—bound and gagged beside me.  It seems my destiny to die by his side, though I am not sure such a death will gain me entrance to the Hall of Valor.

    See more with the following link:


    Luciana Henriette:

    Forrest Pingham, Imperial Surveyor, Assignment Skyrim Borders:

    Durz Gro-Ushal (alias Ghorbash the Iron Hand):