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Spencer's Tales of Madness

  • Member
    September 2, 2013

    Encased within these cyber-walls are tales that will challenge our protagonists to a level that is nearly mind-breaking. Characters will be built and, sometimes, destroyed before your very eyes in detail that may or may not astonish some.

    As prior warning, these stories may contain:

    • Violence/Gore
    • Offensive Language
    • Relationships of all combinations
    • Excessive use of awesome.
    • Occasional use of bad.

    Any and all who find the previously stated offensive need not read.

    Red-Vein Part 1

    Thank you.


  • Member
    September 2, 2013

    It's not graphic enough to matter (except the gore). I'm only violent XD. The stories I have pre-made, the most that happens is two guys have mead together, and wake up in bed together the next day. Or someone shares a kiss, and once a slap on the heiny. 

  • September 2, 2013

    What the fuck... I feel like going mad, so where do I go from here?

  • September 2, 2013
    You go where all madmen go, down the yellow brick road with a mug of spiked mead and an Argonian concubine. Mind the trout, they get a little abrasive this time of year. Nothing worse than a backtalking fish...
  • September 2, 2013

    Uh no thanks DP.

    I dont want to go that mad.

  • Member
    September 3, 2013

    It'll be a while before things go bat-crap crazy. XD