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NecromanciCat's Tales of Triumph!

  • Member
    August 29, 2013

    Kalah do faal Mahlaan Dovah (Story of the Fallen Dragon)

          -This entry entails the backstory of my character, and as I decide what I plan on doing with further entries on him I am experimenting with my writing as I try new things. I've never used the dragon language to supplement my writing, nor have I made my character so far from the "human" origins. 

    Skorri Godorson- The unfortunate Nord whose soul was ripped from his body to make room for Lotsahqonsivaas' soul. He was formerly a mid-level officer for the Imperial Legion, and as such, the new resident of his body is now abruptly taken into the struggle against the Stormcloaks. The dragon-state of mind, still possessed by Lotsahqonsivaas, leads him to believe his superiority to humanity and won't lower himself to partake in trifles such as love or companionship. With Skorri's body so finely attuned to Battle Axes, the dragon now uses these weapons with great proficiency, but the lack of magickal talent also leads to a heavy disappointment.