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Olaf's Broad Blue Box Of Bountiful Black Books

  • Member
    August 10, 2013

    Volume I


    Arcane Arithmetic


    Arcane Arithmetic follows a large cast of characters on their journey to find something amazing, an ancient and powerful piece of history. This tale is told through three point of view characters, however, there is one central character in the entire story. That being, Corvus Darelliun, a Colovian mage hailing from Bruma. 

     Corvus' story: This young imperial mage must take a dangerous journey through Skyrim , to find an ancient religious relic, originally housed in Eastern Tamriel. However, this relic may be more valuable and important than the young man believes it to be, and may go to great lengths to accomplish the goals of his mentor in finding this relic, and even greater lengths to prevent what the return of this relic could accomplish.

    *Note: Due to corrupted files in my console, I've been forced to leave this story at it's current standpoint. I may finish it eventually, and it will certainly be in my backlog, but for now, this tale will have to remain unfinished.



    Corvus Darelliun: The central character of this long tale, (Most of the story follows him as well as two other POV characters) Corvus is son to Garrus Darreliun and Viccia Darelliun. Born in Cheydinhall City, he grew learning the profession of his father, the City Guard. However, when his mother suddenly disappeared at the age of 4, his father brought Corvus to Bruma, and left him at the doorstep of an Altmeri magician. For 17 years, he practiced the mystical arts with the elf, and lived with him as well. Through these years, he learned of the "Elven Supremacy" concept, and began to realize that it was the truth. The Altmeri people were easily superior to all human races, him included.  In these years,  he's taken to look at the old elf as a father-figure and a mentor. Nonetheless, he still recognizes Garrus as his blood-father, and in his honor, practices the use of the same sword style that was taught to the City Guard.

    Ormax: Our second POV character, is a wealthy Breton by the name of Ormax. Born in the city of Wayrest, to a family of Vampires, from a young age, he knew of the "Elven Supremacy" theory. However, he also believed, if humans were good. Elves were better, a mixture of them would create the perfect race; Bretons. From this one thought spawned his egoistic concept of himself as a god trapped in an unholy body. His mother taught him political trade, negotiations, and other merchant skills from a young age, he found himself becoming a skilled trader very quickly. However, his father wished him to be a knight, to cure people's immoral ideas of vampires. While he did take training as a squire, he was never officially knighted, as he focused on a wealthy trading first and foremost. Using this knowledge, he travelled to the island of Solsthiem, in order to pursue a more suitable spot for a man as himself. A powerful position in the East Empire Trading Company. Controlling much of the imports and exports of this company within Solsthiem, he worked with the others of the Company, slowly rising to power. Now, he has been feeding off of the citizens of Raven Rock and he's planning something very special for his only superior in the Trading Company.

    Vorian: Vorian is a great and aging Altmeri magician and historian, that takes care of and trains Corvus in the arts of all that is arcane. He is strict, faithful, and at times considered borderline insane, but he sets high expectations for his student, and cares for him as his own son. Not much is known of Vorian's past, not even by Corvus. All that is known, is that he has dedicated his life to magic, and was born in Dusk, of the Summerset Isles. He is also a Thalmor supporter, although he has had some "unfortunate meetings" with them in the past.


    Part 1: Within The Heart

    Chapter 1-1

    Chapter 1-2

    Chapter 1-3

    Chapter 1-4

    Chapter 1-5 

    Chapter 2-1

    Chapter 2-2

    Chapter 2-3

    Chapter 2-4


    Volume II

    The title of my current tale is "Underlying Scripts"; a tale revolved around political intrigue between the Holds of Skyrim, the birth of the Last Dragonborn, and a Dunmeri bloodline that will grow to recognize their name boldly. This story has already begun, it will have it's own separate page, as soon as possible, the early chapters have been written, the only reason I've yet to enter them is due to my struggles with the Ning Editor, however, they will certainly be up soon.