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The Possessed part 1: Names

  • July 25, 2013

     The following events take place after the defeat of Alduin,Harkon and Miraak.

      First of all, my name is Thurismund. I am the dragonborn, born of the dragon blood. I always praised the 9 divines, expecialy Talos. Tiber Septim has been my faith the whole way throughout my journey. With the faith of Talos i have defeated the world eater and saved all of Nirn from destruction. I have defeated the vampire lord Harkon and restored order to the sun. And i have defeated the first of the dragonborn, who resided in the realm of Hermaeus Moira.

     Now their where no villains to bring down and no tasks to be undertaken. Now i stood with one challenge. I didn't know exactly what it was, but i overheard rumors of how Braith, a little girl in whiterun started acting strange. I would hear conversations started by priests and priestesses saying that Braith would stay in her room for long periods of time, and that she would yak all over her room. Braith was said to have eaten more than she usually does, and as a result the barfing starts up.

     As i heard the priests and priestesses talking, i walked up to them and asked them about the rumors. They told me that Braith, the little girl had been acting strange. I explained to them what i overheard, and also reminded them that i was dragon-born. They started to scream: "Oh yes oh yes the dragonborn comes in our time of need!". I was wondering what they wanted me to do. "Well, what do you need me to do about it?", i asked. The priests just stood there, staring at me.

     "You have to do us the favor of joining us in the exorcism dragonborn", they told me. "What's an exorcism?", i asked them. They stared at me for a few moments and proceeded to speak. "It is the process of removing an evil spirit or spirits from a body, it's like disposing of a possession", they told me. I then explained to them that i didn't believe in possession, and that Braith is probably just sick or mentally ill. 

     They looked at me as if i was an ignorant person, and started to talk back to me: "Now, you listen here. That innocent little girl is being inhabited by either one or many spirits and you better believe it, most people are too ignorant to see past the sicknesses and strange happenings. They dismiss it as mental illness".

     I looked at them with confusion in my eyes and responded with: " But why should i believe in this?". They started at each other for a moment and stared back at me with determination in their eyes. "You, the Dovhakiin, only you can get rid of possessions completely, only you can save Braith. Please help us."

     "Ok, i'll at least witness the happenings", i said. "Thank you dragonborn, oh yes oh yes oh dragonborn" they shouted.

     Then, the priests lead me to Braith, who, to my surprise resided all the way up in the temple of the divines in solitude.

     "Why is she here?", i asked them. "We need the presence of the divines to remove evil spirits, or else they will refuse to leave".

     "Hello Braith", said the priest of Akatosh. "I will drag you into oblivion priest", she responded. I stood there, as Braith, an innocent little girl spoke in such a deep voice. I started wondering, was that really her?. 

     Then the priest of Akatosh stood in front of the little girl with the symbol of Akatosh in his hands. He preached to her: "In the name of Akatosh, god of time, chief of the divines i command the holy powers, tell me your name evil spirit", he chanted. I stood there thinking "idiots". But then Braith spoke. "I don't have to tell you priest, now go drink some poison!" And again the ceremony went on with the priest chanting. "In the name of Arkay, the god of death, lord of burial rites, i ask you to tell me your name in the name of the holy divines!" And it goes on as written: "No!, No!, I don't have to, now to shove poison in your eyeball!""In the name of the 8 divines i command thee evil spirit to tell me thy name". "Names! names names names names names names names!. How so many damn names! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8!""You have 8 names? tell me them now in th name of the divines! now in the name of Akatosh! by the holy rite of the divines!".

     Now, the spirits finally introduce themselves like so: 

     "I am the one who betrayed the orcs of Largashbur!,I am the one who strayed from the path of sithis!,I am the one who stole from the guild!, I am the one who assaulted whiterun!,I am the one who abused the ye of Magnus!,I am the one who preached to the dragons!,I am the one who desecrated the bodies!,I am the first of the dragon blood!,I am the king of death itself!, I am the one who they call "the world eater"!, and i am Molag Bal, the lord of corruption in the flesh".

  • Member
    July 26, 2013
    A very interesting story and one which I would very much like to se another chapter of
  • Member
    July 26, 2013

    Better format than your previous posts, remember stories have to be posted as a blog though.