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Tale of the dark lord

  • July 16, 2013

      In the second era timeline, about 1000 years before the return of the Dragonborn and 800 years before the oblivion crisis, we knew that 3 alliances existed. the Ebonheart pact,the Daggerfall covenant and the Aldmeri dominion. The ruler of the covenant was high king Emeric.The ruler of the pact was Jorunn Skald-king.The ruler of the dominion was high queen Ayrenn. The Imperial legion was weak back then, and they had no emperor, which means all citizens of every alliance was trying to become emperor.

     One individual in particular was a Breton. This Breton's name was Holden Greenhalgh. Holden started out as high king Emerics leading general, the ruler of the covenants armies. With his already corporal position, he began to become arrogant with power. He would command clans of redguard warriors to raid villages and legions of orc berserkers to demolish cities without permission from his king. One day, Emeric said: "Holden, you are the general of my army, but you are no king". Holden responded with: "Oh, but maybe i am now!, goodbye my "king". At this point the general hungry for power killed Emeric and took his place as the covenants high king.

     Over time, he gained more vast armies of Bretons,Orcs and Redguards. With his army he put an end to the lives of queen Ayrenn and Jorunn Skald. The remnants of the other alliances formed rebellions against Holden's vast legions. Now Holden established a new kingdom in the provinces of Hammerfell and High rock. It was a kingdom where his enemies were tortured and his allies trained. He trained the most powerful mages,warriors and rogues. 

     But eventually his armies decreased and the numbers went down. At some point, his kingdom was in ashes and his legions put to the blade. He went mad and cursed those who would side against him. There, the former general of Emerics legions,the former king of an army, and a warrior in glass armor. Holden stood before 6 heroes who would stand against him.

     The first was a high elven battlemage with a sword and staff. The second was a wood elf archer. the third was a Khajiit assassin. The fourth was a nordic warrior. The fifth was a dark elf necromancer. The sixth was an argonian rogue. "Your reign is over, and we have seen how you will die and never return", said the wood elf. "You foolish heroes might have put down my legions, but their is no end to me i assure", said Holden.The 6 heroes then equipped their weapons. The Altmer got out his staff of destruction and ebony sword.The Bosmer got out his bow. The Khajiit got out his daggers. The nord got out his battle-axe. The Dunmer got out his spells of reanimation and conjuring. The argonian got out his sword and destruction spell. 

     Now Holden stood up and got out his glass sword and shield. His sword enchanted with fire and lightning and his shield enchanted with magic resistance and bash enhancing, he began to slash his enchanted sword at the Bosmer, who fell down in defeat as his heart bled out. Then the Altmer cast a fireball spell at Holden and rushed in with his ebony blade. Holden countered it with his shield and blocked his melee attack. Then Holden stabbed the Altmer in the back, and the battlemage had fallen. Then the argonian and khajiit teamed up. The argonian cast flames and shock at the same time and sprayed it at the general without stopping. As Holden was atttempting to block the magic, the khajiit slit his arm with his daggers. The argonian stopped spraying magic as Holden almost fell down with a bleeding arm. The Nord saw the opportunity to finish him off, so he charged in with his battle-axe and almost crushed the generals skull, but Holden simply grabbed the nords weapon by the handle and took it from him. The nord stood there angered as Holden proceeded to smash his skull, and the nord dropped dead. The argonian and khajiit looked angered but ready, so the both of them dual wielded blades and charged at the general from different directions. Holden was ready as he pulled out his glass bow with glass arrows and shot the argonian in the eye. The arrow pierced his skull and eventually poisoned his brain as he lay dead on the floor. The khajiit now sped up and charged at Holden with greater ferocity. Now, Holden shot him as well, and broke his knee, an arrow to the knee. The assassin then threw a blade at the generals foot. Holden jumping on one leg and almost can;t bear the pain, the dunmer stepped in and conjured a skeletal warlord to finish him off. Holden reacted to this by casting powerful lightning at the undead beast, shattering it into bone meals. Then Holden stood up and charged at the necromancer as he took out his necromancers staff. The dunmer conjured abominations from oblivion out of his staff, but Holden wiped all of them out quickly and proceeded to finish off the dunmer with a lightning storm spell. Then,after time of bleeding the khajiit died out with a broken knee. 

     His opponents lie dead on the battlefield, but almost nothing left and in pain from being stabbed and shot at by magic, Holden died on the battlefield, were all the corpses slept.

     In the afterlife, Holden still had his glass armor equipped and his glass bow, destruction spells and sword and shield at ready. Holden was in a realm full of rising fire and lava. He stood on a tiny island, an island that appeared to be a deep crimson. It had a large throne with spikes protruding from it. Sitting upon the throne was a begin that Holden immediately recognized. He had a reptilian scaly body with an ape-like under body and monkey-liek tail. he had a crocodilian head with horns protruding from it. It was Molag Bal, the demon lord of corruption and death. "Why am i here Molag Bal?", asked Holden.

     Molag Bal looked at him with a determined look. "I want to offer you freedom". Holden stood there for a moment and realized that he was offering him redemption. "Ok, so what's the catch and what do i have to do?". "You will become a general once more, the general of my army strong Breton. You will adorn the armor and weapons of the dark lord, and you will embrace his dark magic".

     Holden looked confused. "Who is the dark lord, and why should i actually serve you?", asked Holden. Molag Bal sat there confused, but then noticed his idiocy on the subject of "the dark lord". "The dark lord is not a mortal,divine or deadra. The dark lord is the armor that gives you power, the weapons that give you strength and ferocity and the magic that raises legions of death and burning hate. The dark lord is the will to kill, to raid, to pillage, to raise the dead and conjure demons to your will. If you become that for me, then i will grant you vengeance, in about 1000 years of course".

     Holden looked surprised and impatient with the lord of corruption. "But why in 1000 years, what will happen then?", he asked. "In 1000 years from now, the fabled Dragonborn will return,the dragons will come back alive and the god of destruction Alduin will arise. In 1000 years from now, the vampire lord Harkon will rise in my name and block out the sun. In 1000 years from now, the first of the Dragon blood will return from the realm of Hermaeus Moira."

     "And what does the rise of the dragon god, the vampire lord and the first and last dragonborn have to do with me?." "You see my child, you are the dragon born, but you are only one of many, and if i send you back to Tamriel in 1000 years from now, then you will be able to absorb the dragon souls and learn the way of the voice. You will first slay the last dragon born in cold blood. You will take his place in defeating the dragon god Alduin. After this you will join Harkon and become a vampire and overthrow his royalty. You will take his place as the vampire lord. Then you will slay the first dragon born Miraak and then the world be rid of him.

     After this you will raise legions of the dead. Skeletons,Draugr,zombies,vampires and ghosts will unite and take where you will do to, the land of Skyrim. In Skyrim you will rule as the dark lord, you will massacre the 2 nations that will form then, the Stormcloaks and Imperials will be slain alike, and you will become the new politics of Skyrim. For now my child, you will roam my realm of coldharbour and become the dark lord you were meant to be, until 1000 years from now. Then will you arise with legions of death...

  • Member
    July 16, 2013

    I've seen a couple of your posts, you seem to like the dark side of The Elder Scrolls :P

    If I had to suggest something it would be to split this into three parts

    • Being a General and commanding armies of the Covenant, then betraying the king
    • Fighting the 'heroes'
    • Meeting Molag bal

    Use this as framework and go into more detail on these points.

    (also put a couple of tags :))

  • Member
    July 16, 2013

    Oh also ! Post your story as a blog and then create a table of contents to link it to, it keeps the group clean and easier to navigate you see.

  • July 16, 2013

    Hi Holden,

    If you could please re post this as a blog post and then link it to your Author page that would be very much appreciated.

    Guidelines for submitting stories


  • Member
    July 17, 2013

    No problem ! I've seen just your general posts, in ESO group I think. Everyone here is passionate about certain parts of the Elder Scrolls!