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Charlie's Tales of Skyrim

  • November 4, 2011

    The character backstory of my very first character, Sikah. A thieving Khajiit from the slums of Riften, together with her greatsword wielding partner embark on a journey that will take them out of the Ratways and into the wilds of the Rift where their true adventure is just beginning.

    The Tale of the Hunted Hunter: Sikah

    The Tale of Sikah; The Hunted Hunter (Part 1)

    The Tale of Sikah; The Hunted Hunter (Part 2)

    The Tale of Sikah; The Hunted Hunter (Part 3)

    The Tale of Sikah; The Hunted Hunter (Final)

    The first chapter of my now discontinued journal.

    Journal of Sikah: The Hunted Hunter Strikes Back

    Journal (Part 1)

    Skyrim Snippets is a collection of various short stories written by request for fellow blog members, as well as a collection of short narrative pieces written in response to questions and speculations posted before the launch of Skyrim.

    Skyrim Snippets

    Skyrim Snippets

    Winter Shadow

    Cat or Mouse?

    Clash of Steel

    His Ruby Eye

    Speculations on Skyrim

    A person is not inherently good or evil, but rather is defined as such by the action they take.

    Darkness, My Friend

    Darkness, My Friend

    Darkness, My Enemy

    Darkness, My Protector

    Darkness, My Demise

  • November 4, 2011

    Will there be more?  I want to know what happens after they get out of this rathole of a city.

  • November 4, 2011

    haha yes there will be one more chapter, I've only posted the first one for now since during a re-reading I've found quite a few mistakes I can fix up. I'm halfway through writing the last chapter now it should be ready either tonight or tomorrow.

  • November 4, 2011

    Okay I've just fixed up the post and edited the mistakes and there is now a link at the bottom of each chapter to the next one

  • November 8, 2011

    Whoo I finally finished it! the fourth and final part to the backstory is now available you can get to it either from the blog section or and the bottom of part 3. I'd like to apologise in advance for its length I didn't intend for it to go that long but once I got started it sort of just took off on its on and there was no where to break it up into 2 parts (you'll see why) without spoiling it. I started writing it nearly 2 weeks ago and on one hand I'm kinda glad its over but also kinda sad. I'll definitely be writing more. doing these back stories has really rekindled my love of writing so I want to thank everyone for that

    and for those that are wanting more afterward I plan on writing a journal so keep an eye out for that.

  • April 19, 2012

    Charlie, I like the way this is organized, and it allows me to clearly see which of your writings I missed.  I will update my Lucy Backstory in this same way, with links to her original journal and her sequels, and also a link to the Forrest stories that are interrelated.  I think I shall read one of your one-shots now.

  • April 19, 2012

    thanks :)

    I also tried to keep the multi-chapter stories together by adding a link to the bottom of each piece to the following chapter (The Sikah backstory has this at least, not sure  if I've done it to the darkness ones yet.)

    yeah the one shots were originally written in the comments section of another blog and thought I should fix that, been meaning to for a while now.

  • April 23, 2012

    Awww, you're using Tales of Skyrim....

  • July 11, 2012

    oops this one seemed to get lost in the mail

    sorry for the late reply Julian, lol but hey Tales of Skyrim doesn't belong to just me you could use it on your own as well

  • July 12, 2012

    Greeeaaaaat. Another series of good stories I haven't read yet...