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Kyrielle's Little Bits, Bobs, and Oddments - Poetry

  • March 31, 2013

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    Because I'm super anal about my blog maintaining its current flow from post-to-post, and thanks to the graciousness of Charlie, I'm using this discussion to post any little poems I decide to create.

    Let us begin with "The Shade of the Earl of Imbel".

    The Shade of the Earl of Imbel

    My mark is known and yet forgotten.
    From knavish courts to those thought rotten,
    I stalk the streets ere sun breaks the hills,
    Filling pauper's pockets to the gills.
    If you be high on courtier's lists,
    Heed this warning and do not resist.
    For I come like sand through window cracks,
    To take the levy of Springheel Jak.

    They call me by many a nom de plume,
    My visage remains shrouded in gloom.
    In Nocturnal's folds I make my rounds,
    Feet creating the softest of sounds.
    Tools of choice in great variety,
    Yet none deny my notoriety.
    For I dance like wind, traitorous hacks,
    Wearing the brogans of Springheel Jak.

    Who can tell of the shadow unseen,
    Of the voice that you'd rather not been?
    Who remembers the no-color cowl,
    That crept so close until cheek by jowl?
    Who recalls prayers of broken men,
    With purses made light by counciled pens?
    It is I, afraid, elusive quacks,
    The omitted ghost of Springheel Jak.

    My Heart Aflame (The Tale of Ralis Sedarys)

    From the moment Ralis spied her fervent form,
    He wanted her without reason or rhyme.
    A flame unfurling, curling in his breast
    Drove all pragmatism from his mind.

    How she danced!
    What chance
    Had he of deserving
    Such a stunning,
    Burning creature?

    There was none, he knew, for when time's spell lapsed,
    He called her anew, but when magic begot,
    Some other appeared before him to dance,
    Though she looked the same, he knew she was not.

    To what region!
    What season
    Had his love gone;
    Far from embrace,
    Shunning his touch?

    No magic spell brought her back to the light,
    And Ralis lay spent, rent upon the floor.
    Such heartbreak he had never known--
    Nothing but stale parchment remained to adore.

    "Come back!"
    He hacked
    All but crying.
    His heart bleeding,
    Shrinking to nothing.

    He clutched that sheaf to his burning soul,
    And swearing to bring her to him once more,
    Dark-skinned Dunmer set out for the Grand City.
    Until his dying breath he would find her door.

    In barest breath,
    He sensed
    Her burning flames
    During the night,
    Lighting his dreams.

    But the River Kings would not hear his plea.
    They cast him out of their illustrious schools,
    Laughing at his misplaced dreams.
    For no man dare walk Oblivion's pools.

    Yet in here!
    In his rooms,
    He heard her cackle
    A soft, undignified
    Lingering so close.

    His kin of the mushroom towers steered him away,
    For Master Zenas disappeared centuries ago,
    Into holes left in the fabric of space
    His mind reduced to laminar flow.

    "I care not!"
    She waited
    He hoped she waited.
    Who now had she
    The loathsome tart?

    North went he to Solstheim, at employer's behest,
    Where cold stones and empty halls did lie.
    An artifact of old, he found, in halls with life,
    Long, Boned hands asking him to die.

    She came whispering!
    What words
    Dare she speak
    To a man so hollow,
    By her constant absence.

    No profit he turned in that spiteful wallow,
    Expenses cut, he was left stranded with no alibi,
    Forced to rely on the aid of strangers strangers.
    How far could he go with all gone awry?

    Voice of voices!
    What heat;
    What promises made
    To the dark man in darkness,
    A serenade,
    Her name on every page.

    At last! He found a force to bring her home,
    It came on writhing palpi in the brain:
    From a swear should he unearth the ancient man,
    Whose hands wove his kindred's bane.

    Crooks of flame.
    How droll!
    That he be led
    So willingly underneath,
    To the plume of her visage.

    Down in the ground he abided his master,
    Whose pages fluttered in soft whispers so like her voice.
    "Soon," he said in guttural tones to his beloved,
    "Soon, you will be with me and we shall rejoice."

    In the darkness,
    She pranced
    A pillar of fiery storm,
    Toward his jittering shape,
    Into ash--a cloud of dismay.

    For Ralis found his lovely Oblivion Flame,
    It was she he held even as the Dragonborn thundered,
    Demanding to end his life, and in spite of his intentions,
    Ralis held fast, until they were, at last, sundered.

    Valindor's Song

    They walked the path.
    Through fire and wrath.
    And when each breath seemed their last,
    They returned, fighting through the blast.

    Aye did mer and bet
    E're live to forget
    The long miles they followed their quest,
    Days unending from east to west.

    O' did you ever see?
    Those eyes so wild and free?
    Riding forth to the end,
    Flying eyes of the wind.

    Flight of an arrow,
    From Valenwood bow,
    Bosmer walked from trees green and wild
    To lands far and wide; so beguiled.

    O' did you ever see?
    Those eyes so wild and free?
    Riding forth to the end,
    Flying eyes of the wind.

    Dragon's roar did fall
    Before Voice's call,
    Saxhleel standing strong until,
    Storm and snow brought him crashing still.

    O' did you ever see?
    Those eyes so wild and free?
    Riding forth to the end,
    Flying eyes of the wind.

    Flying eyes of the wind,
    Riding forth to the end...

    Sailing Where the Hammer Falls

    Behold ye glorious whelps
    The treasure lying before you!
    Gold in endless proportions,
    Rolling in hills and mounds,
    Taller than a ship's masthead.

    Dig thine toes into its wealth!
    Ah, do ye not feel it?

    The burning brightness of true

    Or are ye merely blind toads
    Cast upon dying sands?

    <--- Back to Table of Contents

  • Member
    April 1, 2013
    This was nice :)
  • April 1, 2013

    Well done :D

  • April 1, 2013

    Cool I liked it. Especially the sand through window cracks line. 

  • Member
    April 1, 2013

    I enjoyed that!

  • July 17, 2013

    Updated with "My Heart Aflame (The Tale of Ralis Sedarys)"

    This comes from a story Dragon and I made up on Skype one night.  I decided to turn it into a poem.

  • August 10, 2013

    Updated with Valindor's Song.

    This is the song that Valindor sang after the Battle of Fort Dunstad in various inns across Skyrim and at the Thalmor Headquarters in Solitude.  Enjoy.

  • August 10, 2013

    All of these are amazing, Kyrielle!  Thank you for sharing them!

  • February 27, 2014

    Added a new poem for the poetry challenge:  Sailing Where the Hammer Falls.


  • February 28, 2014
    Very cool indeed. Tis should have been the blog of the week.