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The Journal of Ashane-Entry 4 is up

  • Member
    October 4, 2012

    Entry 1:

    Entry 2:

    Entry 3:

    Entry 4:

    I am planning on starting a journal for my newest character, with the basic premise being that he will keep a journal (which will be posted here) and he updates it to collect his thoughts, and muse on his more significant events during his adventure.

    I originally thought of the idea as an exercise to keep myself in character, as well as to analyze the thoughts and motives of him to further my immersion, then figured it may make for decent entertainment to others.

    Given that this is my first attempt at any sort of writing that isn't a research paper, I'd love any feedback any of you would be willing to offer, as well I will be starting my blog at the first entry by the character, and linking it here (if there is a better way to do this, please let me know)

    Overall I intend for this character to start off as a fairly normal character, but as his story progresses, I intend to have him encounter most (if not all) of the daedric princes (or their related quests) and to model the sort of impact such encounters can leave on a person. (and as an excuse to see all of them, as I have not just yet)

    Now, on to a bit of backstory:

    Ashane is a twenty year old Imperial training to be a battlemage. His parents include an alchemist and a mage.

    His father, Varian, was an alchemist, and of the two was far closer to Ashane than Livia (his mother). He was known to be inventive and eccentric, and was responsible for teaching Ashane most of his basic education (how to read/write, history, etc...). Unfortunately he was also a little scatterbrained, and his inattentiveness caused the fire that led to his death and cost the family their home in Cheydinhal.

    This left Livia to raise him, and being a conjuration mage of the College of Whispers, she was more interested in her research on oblivion than anything else. After finding Ashane magically gifted, yet unable to sustain a conjuring of any length, she ultimately lost interest in him. She raised him, out of duty more than love, and taught him the basics of magic, however ultimately she did little beyond what she saw as necessary.

    Given that Ashane was ten years old when his father died, he had a fairly cold upbringing. He inherited his father's inquisitive nature and sense of duty, (though a distrust of alchemy due to the role it played in his childhood) and his mother's aptitude for magic (with the exception of being unable to conjure anything from another plane of existence).

    Having been providing for himself for four years (his mother was all to happy to be rid of him) and hearing of the war in Skyrim, he saw an opportunity to further his knowledge by pursuing one of the oldest centers of magical learning (the college of Winterhold) and to do his duty to the empire (by fighting against the rebellion).

  • October 4, 2012

    Promising beginning, Nathan, and it will be interesting to see how his experiences, combined with his background, work on him in your story.  Welcome to the Story Group!  

  • October 4, 2012

    I wonder, would his inquisitive nature lead him to become very interested in the Dwemer to the point where we might research them?

    The Dwemer, while not precisely mages, seemed to at least understand the use of magic in constructing objects and infusing them with life.  This is a branch of magic that likely falls under Conjuration (using a soul gem to power the machine) and Alteration (altering the physical world with magic).

    But mostly it would be interesting to see a mage take on a technological bent while researching the deepest secrets of magic.  (The Eye of Magnus is intriguing and I wonder what the Dwemer would have thought of it or if they were involved at all.)

    Otherwise, I look forward to whatever you write. :)

  • Member
    October 4, 2012

    Actually that's an interesting point, the way that the dwemer used magic fits very closely to how he likes to think... I had yet to consider this about him, thanks!