Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Prince of Ravens

Tags: #Character Build Blacksmith  #Character Build Scout  #Character Build Alchemist  #Rank:Mythic  #Cauthon  #Matrim  #Wheel of Time 
  • August 29, 2015

    Maybe. I'm not working on any at the moment, who knows? Maybe my next playthrough will inspire me to write something up.

  • Member
    October 3, 2016
    I was thinking, you could use two handed skill for the ashandarai that he later aquires in the series. The headsmans axe seems to be a good fit for it and it's quick too. If one was to do that, would you still perk one handed for daggers that he always keep up his sleeves? Or just leave unperked. Is there any armor that would closely resemble what he wears? I don't want to just use the best thing available when it doesn't fit
  • Member
    November 16, 2016

    All images have been restored for this build. While I try my best to keep the formatting as close to the original as possible, there are some unavoidable differences as a result of differing platforms... for this I apologize.

    Also, please feel free to remove the 'Restored' banner at the end of the build--I put it there as a courtesy to let the reader know that the build has been worked on by somebody other than its original creator without his or her knowlege.