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Character Build: The Juggernaut

Tags: #Character Build Juggernaut  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • January 11, 2013

    The Juggernaut

    The idea for this build came in search of ultimate damage resistance with limited crafting skills. I wanted an unstoppable machine who could stand toe to toe with mightiest foes, where combat decisions decide whether you take damage or not. What I came up with was, at its peak, almost 100% damage resistance (physical and magical). This build is a no healing build that relies not on dodging damage, but mitigating it.


    [#0] Content

    • [#0] Content
    • [#1] Introduction
    • [#2] Origins and Belief
    • [#3] Skills
    • [#4] Armory
    • [#5] Combat Tactics
    • [#6] Friends and Enemies
    • [#7] Numbers


    [#1] Introduction

    You play as a seeker of challenges, you seek to test your mettle and wits in battle. You live to find the next great battle, winning by the width of a hair as your life hangs in the balance. The following is an excerpt of Yargol the Juggernaut battle against bandits, which almost killed him.

    The bandits searched for the assailant, and a few of them immediately started to charge once they found it was a single person. Yargol loaded his crossbow with a lit bolt once again, this time firing at the ground between the two front most bandits who were charging directly downhill. The bandits lost their footing and rolled down the ridge, one of them crashed into a rock formation and passed out. Yargol threw the crossbow to his side and ducked behind his shield as arrows flew past him. As he stood up he saw three more bandits charging down the hill. Yargol grabbed his shield in his left arm and the torch in his right, he threw the torch into the shallow oil filled trench and it burst into flames. The front most bandit came charging and was preparing to jump over the fire, but in midair Yargol slammed his shield against the bandit with all his might so he fell into the fire and burned. The other two bandits were quick studies and came from opposing sides, Yargol turned to one of them and blocked his swing effortlessly and proceeded to decapitate him. The other bandit took a step closer and stepped on the explosive which took his foot clean off, he screamed in pain as Yargol put an end to his life.

    The full tale of Yargols battle can be found here.


    [#2] Origins and Belief

    In the following section I will list the races, standing stones, blessings and shots that fit the Juggernaut, starting with races.

    The Orsimer is hands down the best race for this build. Their racial ability will almost make you immune to any incoming damage for 60 seconds. Being able to dish out more damage is certainly nice. Their starting bonuses fit the build very nicely as well. This build just screams Orsimer.

    The Lord Stone is the most fitting stone as it again deals with damage mitigation. It complements the build nicely, and allows for less crafting.

    The Blessing of Julianos is the best blessing early on, it will allow more focus on health than magicka early on, thus increasing survivability.

    The Blessing of Talos works better at high levels when magicka is sufficient. It will allow more use of shouts.

    Thu’ums: Marked for Death (3/3), Slow Time (2/3) & Elemental Fury (3/3).


    [#3] Skills

    In the following section I will list the stat spread and perks used by this build.

    I ran the build as a pure health build up to level 9, and at level 10 I put my first point into magicka. After that it was close to 1/3/1 of M/H/S. Final stats would be M: 200, H: 400 and S: 190.

    Major skills are one-handed, heavy armor and block.

    • One-handed is the primary damage. Need some way to do damage, can’t just stand around being hit all day.
    • Heavy armor is the primary defense, this is what allows us to limit crafting.
    • Block is the secondary defense. This is essentially what makes or breaks this  build, without the block tree this build wouldn’t be possible. This allows to reach near 100% damage resistance while blocking. Shield bashes are used for interrupts to further survivability.

    Your ideal situation.


    Minor skills are archery, smithing, destruction and alteration.

    • Archery is the tertiary damage. It is primarily used to initiate combat.
    • Smithing is the only crafting skill. It is used make us able to take more blows and hit harder.
    • Destruction is the secondary damage. It is primarily used to boost the primary damage and it adds a little flavor. Runes are the builds explosive traps. At level 8 & 9 I bought destruction skills so I didn’t have to bother with flames.
    • Alteration is used only for the magic resistance. The flesh spells help out nicely during the low levels. The highest flesh spell to be used should be stoneflesh to level up alteration. Once I hit 50 alteration I stopped casting alteration spells.

    A level 25 perk spread can be found here.

    A level 49 perk spread can be found here.


    [#4] Armory

    The armor used is meant to maximize the builds damage mitigation, while adding some damage to the mix. An assortment of amulets is used to match what you're battling.

    • Helmet: Hevnoraak OR Orcish Helmet of Eminent Archery (30%)*
    • Chest Piece: Orcish Armor of Eminent Destruction (20%)
    • Gauntlets: Orcish Gauntlets of Eminent Wielding (30%)
    • Boots: Orcish Armor of Extreme Stamina (60) - This is the in-game name, it's likely a bug. They are boots and not armor though.
    • Shield: Shield of Ysgramor.
    • Necklaces
      • Necklace of Revival (50%) - Default necklace, useful against physical combatants.
      • Necklace of Fire Suppression (50%) - Useful against fire dragons and fire mages.
      • Necklace of Frost Suppression (50%) - Useful against frost dragons and ice mages.
      • Necklace of Shock Suppression (50%) - Useful against storm mages and storm atronachs.
    • Ring: Ring of Revival (50%)
    • Sword: Blades Sword
    • Ranged: Enhanced Steel Crossbow
    • Food: Chicken dumpling. The extra health regen is nice.

    *The difference between the two helmets will come down to how much you want to invest in your smithing skill. To reach the armor cap with Hevnoraak you'll need 74 in smithing, where as with the Orcish Helmet it can be left at 60 after arcane smithing is taken. With a little more investment in smithing you ultimately have a stronger character who is also immune to poison and disease.

    [#5] Combat Tactics

    This build uses two tactics in combat, charge! & initiate, these are NOT special abilities. The tactics are fairly simple, but evolve and become naturally more complex as more skills and perks are gained. Before I start I would like to give a note on healing. Since you’re bound to take damage, healing is done between combat, this can be with either potions or restoration. I personally use restoration, this ensures I don’t run out of healing and often I don’t have enough magicka to heal fully so I enter combat with 80% health, which is fun.

    Charge! Skill required: Slow Time.

    Charge! is the simple concept of charging without using stamina. This is used primarily to engage in combat with archers or mages, but can also effectively be used against melee combatants who has ranged back up. Slow time is used to simulate an effortless sprint, so precious stamina isn’t used and can instead be used for interrupting bashes. Once block runner is obtained slow time is no longer used.


    Projectile Explosion. Skill required: Oakflesh, Charge!, fire rune.

    Projectile Explosion is a great at early levels. Start running towards the target and cast oakflesh just before starting Charge!, once close to the enemy cast a fire rune at his feet to start combat.


    Punishment. Skill required: Fire cloak, block runners Charge!, slow time, wall of flames, power bash.

    This is a step up from Projectile Explosion. Start running towards the target and cast fire cloak, immediately switch to shield and Charge! Once close to the target use slow time, cast wall of flames at his feet, immediately switch to your shield and power bash the target so he stays in the wall of flames taking damage from both the wall and the cloak.

    Initiate. Skill required: Crossbow.

    Initiate is the simple act of shooting someone in the face with a crossbow, thus making the target angry and getting them to come to you. There’s usually only enough time to get one or two shots off before having to switch to your sword, so better hope for a critical hit!

    Preperation. Skill required: Flesh spell, fire rune, wall of flames, fire cloak, exploding steel bolt of fire, initiate.

    This is a tactic that can be used at any level. Use as many or as few of the skills you have available. At early levels this can be to simply cast oakflesh and a fire rune at your feet before you initiate. At late levels it can be casting a fire rune at your feet, a fire cloak and a wall of flames in front of you before you initiate with an exploding steel bolt of fire. It can be using everything available or only using one thing. This will also come to depend on available magicka, I personally don’t want to sit around and wait for the magicka pool to fill up, so at times all you’re able to cast is a few puddles of flames and then initiate. Note: Oak/stoneflesh is only used during the earlier levels when alteration has yet to reach 70. After that the spell is not really needed.

    Hail of Arrows. Skill required: Berserker rage, initiate, exploding steel bolt of fire, slow time.

    Load up your crossbow with explosives and let hell reign upon your enemies! Activate berserker rage and shoot down everything in sight with explosives. When you see a melee combatant charge at you, activate slow time and fill him with explosives. Best thing is, you don’t even have to move! Your damage mitigation is through the roof while using berserker rage.

    Marked for Death. Skill required: Marked for death.

    Marked for Death is the simple act of using the shout marked for death. Best used against tough opponents like dragons or heavily armored two-handed bandit chiefs.

    Special ability: Ultimate Protection. Skill required: Berserker rage, 85% magic resistance, 80% damage reduction, elemental protection, 5/5 shield wall, block, elemental fury.

    The Juggernaut only has one special ability, for 60 seconds he has ultimate protection while blocking. While not much skill is required to pull this one off, it is the greatest trick of the Juggernaut. Using Ultimate Protection you are able to withstand the might of any foe that stands before you and with unprecedented strength you are able to cut through even the strongest of steel at four times your normal damage.


    [#6] Friends and Enemies

    In this section I will list which side to take on major quest lines, which major quest lines fit the build and which specific quests to do.

    Book of Love. While this quest isn’t all that fitting of the Juggernaut it is essential to the build. Do it.

    Companions. Like minded individuals who seek challenge, where do I sign up? Cure yourself of Lycanthropy if you wish, it isn’t used in the build. The quest line gives you the Shield of Ysgramor which is almost as good as the costum enchanted shield.

    College of Winterhold. Frail human beings in pursuit of knowledge, no thanks. Although this quest line gives access to the last shout of slow time, it is not in the interest of the Juggernaut to pursue it. You want to be out fighting bandits, forsworn and dragons, not books.

    Dark Brotherhood. Deadliest assassins in Skyrim, sounds like a decent challenge to me! Destroy them, they are supposedly the best, prove them wrong.

    The Civil War. As the Juggernaut you have no allegiance, but the imperial army seems stronger (more soldiers, better equipment, better training) so you join up with the Stormcloaks, more of a challenge that way.

    Dawnguard. Join up with the Dawnguard and take on the challenge of ancient and powerful vampires, a worthy challenge.

    Main Quest. Seek the thrill of the ultimate challenge by facing the World Eater Alduin himself.

    In My Time of Need. A chance to take on the Alik’r, could be challenging. Can’t pass up the chance to beat up some strong Redguard warriors.

    Missing in Action. A chance to take on the Thalmor, doesn’t sound like a challenge. Squishy elves who cast magic? Might as well see if they are as strong as they believe.


    [#7] Numbers

    This section is to give you some numbers on the damage mitigation this build can achieve, and how it achieves it. First of all, you have three states. Without a shield, with a shield and blocking. Each of these states have different damage mitigation, and each of these states can be used with berserker rage which further alters the mitigation. There’s magic resistance (MR) and physical resistance (PR). The number in parentheses under magic resistance is if you have a necklace equipped against a specific enemy. Physical resistance is calculated using Hevnoraak and 74 in smithing.

    • Without a shield, no berserker rage: 60% (80%) MR & 73.2% PR
    • Without a shield, berserker rage: 80% (90%) MR & 86.6% PR
    • With a shield, no berserker rage: 80% (90%) MR & 80% PR
    • With a shield, berserker rage: 90% (95%) MR & 90% PR
    • Blocking, no berserker rage: 80% (90%) MR & 97% PR
    • Blocking, berseker rage: 90% (95%) MR & 98.5% PR

    As you can see, during Ultimate Protection you are near invincible to almost all forms of damage. There is one exception, dragons using the drain vitality shout. On master with 420 HP this drained almost half my health, while I could survive it’s bite attacks and breath attacks rather easily that one shout just killed me. This is the only time I felt healing was necessary, but I was also out of chicken dumplings which could help a lot in a battle such as this if one can find cover. 

    I also want to let you know how much damage is achieved by scoring a critical shot with the crossbow. The numbers are on unarmored opponents, and a fully perked character with 100 in archery.

    • Regular shot: 87 damage
    • Critical shot: 115.5 damage

    Almost 20 points of damage more from a critical shot. While the average damage increase isn’t much, it is significant in a build like this where archery is used for opening shots (mostly). It means an opponent is alive for a much shorter duration, which can really help when you’re standing around taking a lot of hits.

  • January 11, 2013

    Firstly +1You have obviously put some great thought into this character and tested him really well, I love it when people actually put up precise figures for builds rather than just saying 'it really hurts', it shows passion.

    It may be worth you taking a look at some of the generic magic items rather than worrying about running enchanting Nik, it seems so wasteful to push enchanting so high and then only mildly perk it, you're getting little return for all that grafting and I think it actually works against the build rather than with it, you may have just shoved three perks into smithing to hit the armor cap sooner. 3 of your enchantment slots carry the fortify heavy armor enchant which probably bring very little to the builds overall power. I absolutely love pre-selecting my end game gear when I start a character and slowly locating it as I play.

    Helmet ---> Orcish Helmet of Extreme Destruction 22%

    Gauntlets---> Orcish Gauntlets of Extreme Wielding 35%

    Chest---> Orcish Armor of Extreme Stamina (or destruction maybe)

    Boots---> ?

    Shield---> Orcish Shield of Magic Abatement 20%

    Neck---> Necklace of Revival - 50% Healing Rate (actually beats your current regen of 45%)

    Ring---> Ring of Namira - 50 Stamina + 50 Health and 50% Health Regen (100% Health Regeneration is epic)

    * Also keep a collection of elemental rings +50% for handling specific dragons...

  • January 11, 2013

    Dropping enchanting would decrease weapon power slightly but would open up elemental fury which doubles your damage output...

    Berserker Rage + Elemental Fury = Quad Damage. I've yet to find a single enemy that can survive a dose of this...

    And your character runs destruction so you can place a cloak on top of this...

  • January 11, 2013

    Also, does having 5/5 shield wall and 100 block completely cap out block at 85%? If so I've wasted a shield slot on my Obsidian Sentinel.

  • Member
    January 11, 2013

    Its a good build, +1. Since you are on a damage mitigation theme, maybe you could consider Hevnoraak (or whatever that mask is called), it has 100% resistance to disease and poison, the poison resist is more important here.

  • January 11, 2013

    Firstly, thanks. I'm gonna answer your three posts in this one.

    I tried messing around with smithing and while I was able to easily reach the armor cap doing it with enchanting hit the sweet spot. The extra 36 skills are just enough to hit the armor cap spot on when using a shield. If I used enchanting I'd be at a 73% DR without a shield. This isn't bad of course, but I liked the "squishyness" my character had without the shield. It is something to consider.

    The thought of having multiple elemental rings never occured to me, which is why I decided to use mildly perked enchanting. Getting extra effect adds enough spots to allow the build to reach armor cap, reach magic resistance cap, reduce destruction by just enough to not warrant more magicka, add some extra damage and some health regeneration as a bonus. I'm highly considering using the different rings, the more I think about it the more I feel it suits the character. I may go with a ring of revival instead of Namira's ring though.

    I completely forgot about quad damage! Stupid, stupid stupid .. This is definately another point in favor of dropping enchanting. 

    I was actually trying to make enchanting useful, but not overpowered, and I think I accomplished it quite nicely. But having multiple rings somehow seem way cooler. And since I'd be hitting the resist cap on frost/fire/shock I can drop magic resistance to 2/3 in alteration and almost recieve the same effect.

    I could have sworn I got an extra 85% DR when I ran the tests, but I can't find the numbers anywhere. So I ran them again, it appears I'm only blocking 60%. I'll have to adjust that. Some small edits coming up.

  • January 11, 2013

    That's actually not a bad idea. I wonder how the mask looks with orcish armor. Thanks.

    EDIT: Turns out, not bad.

    EDIT 2: The armor rating after smithing with this thing is like it's meant to be. Awesome. This makes me want to drop enchanting completely. Gonna make some edits to the build. Thanks!

  • January 11, 2013

    Could also use Otar mask when fighting mages, Otar is greeny/yellow I think, should work well with orcish...

  • January 11, 2013

    Very nice build.  I love that you rely on the shield so much for your protection; other shield-using builds seem to include them as icing on the cake while with this build the shield is the cake.  That also adds a bit of a risk to standing around with a crossbow like some other builds do.  +1.  Quite possible my favorite melee build on the site!

  • TZ
    January 11, 2013

    Very well done for a first build, this build screams to me a Master difficulty play through build.

    Also I am glad you took on board Mason's critique, the mark of a good builder is being able to take criticism and turn that into success.

    Stay flexible with your ideas and hone your skills and I will look forward to each of your builds. Again, well done. +1