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E3: RPG Group Content

  • Member
    June 17, 2016
    I actually enjoyed Watch Dogs
  • June 17, 2016

    It is, though you never know, they are incorporating some more RPG elements into the game so it might turn out to be something closer to the Witcher (not in terms of story quality, but the whole, processed main character but you've got a fair bit of control over how different he can be).

    Though yeah, I'm not expecting it to be anything more than an action game in the end, but it does seem like they're trying to give it a bit of new life. 

  • Member
    June 17, 2016
    Same here
  • June 17, 2016

    It might not be a bad game, but they definitely didn't produce what they promised. The game that was shown at E3 was simply looked much better than their final copy

  • Member
    June 20, 2016

    The game play looks freaking awesome. I'm having an issue with the voices...I don't know why, but I don't want her to sound so...normal?!

    otherwise it seems to be everything I like about games

  • June 23, 2016

    The longer it is after E3, and the more pumped I am for Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it honestly just seems like it's going to be the best game of the year at the moment (I doubt it'll win that many awards because of the Wii U's shitty sales) but nothing has me more interested. The more stealth/tactical based gameplay that was in the gameplay trailer seems like an awesome step forward, it looks bloody stupidly great and actually feels like something new (from Nintendo/for Zelda).