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Building in...Dark Souls/Bloodborne

  • March 24, 2016

    Git gud

    The only advice you ever really need for Dark Souls 

    Are you still working on that Arcane Build btw? I've kind of been eager to see it for awhile 

  • Member
    March 24, 2016
    Gollum's back!
  • Member
    March 24, 2016

    I haven't played Bloodborne in a while, but the build is almost done from what I remember. It was definitely more fun than pure melee imo.  

  • Member
    March 24, 2016

    Dammit you blew my cover. 

  • Member
    March 24, 2016

    What type of Character do you play?

    I tend to use a variety of weapons, I favor Ultra Greatswords, halberds, twinblades, greatswords, axes, etc. But I also am in love with those 'special attack' weapons, the ones like the Moonlight greatsword that have ranged/AoE magical attacks that consume durability. Usually I do not use shields, mainly I two-hand, but I always keep a shield around just in case.

    Is Roleplaying viable?

    Not to the extent that it is in Skyrim or Fallout, but I think one could feasibly roleplay in these games. There is such a term called 'cosplay build' in the Dark Souls community, which refers to wearing an npc's armor and weapons (be they enemy, friend, or boss), and invading or co-opping in the area the npc is in. I suppose you could come up with roleplay.

    Do you build play based more on Roleplay or Gameplay?

    I build based on Gameplay. Mostly. I don't use the absolute best armor, weapons, or spells, but I try to make builds that are the strongest at using the equipment I want. Fashion Souls is best Souls, as they say. So I guess its a little bit of both?

    What Style of Combat is most efficient in your opinion?

    Spells, sorceries, hexes, dark magic. It's easy mode, essentially. Similar to stealth archery in Skyrim almost. You do massive damage, at range, enemy ai doesn't really know how to stop you. I still see people in PvP who act like new players, despite how old these games are and the fact they are in late game areas or are a high level, those people haven't improved at the game at all because they've just been gunning enemies down using Crystal Souls Spears/ Dark Orbs. Bloodborne balanced the spells more, they aren't as gamebreaking, which is nice. Rapiers and katanas are also really efficient, and I find them boring as well, both to use and fight against.

    What's your favorite game in the series?

    I'm rather biased in Dark Souls 2's favor. It's got the Drakewing Ultra Greatsword, my favorite weapon in these games ever (just because its fun/cool, not because its the best), and in my opinion Dark Souls 2 did the special attack weapons the best. Dark Souls has the best levels and environment, and the melee combat is still good, although I miss the twinblades. Bloodborne has the most balanced PvP in my expierience, I don't think anything is really overpowered in that game's PvP, Arcane rifle spears were, but that was patched quickly. I suppose Bone Marrow Ash is kind of imbalanced, but whatever. It's a shame really, Bloodborne doesn't promote its pvp at all compared to the previous games. Demon's Souls... I don't know. Demon's Souls PvE is too rough for me, haven't completed it (course, I wasn't using any spells at all) and I have zero experience with Demon's Souls PvP.

    Do you prefer PvP or PvE?

    PvP, it's what sold the game to me. Normally I do not play competitive multiplayer games, but after watching videos on Youtube of the various weapon movesets, and that if you're skilled enough at what you use you can beat almost anybody, I got really into Dark Souls 2. It's like a fighting game mixed with an rpg, basically. PvE, I don't hate it but I'm not that great at it. Challenge is good but it feels like a chore whenever I want to make a new build.  I do love co-op however, helping people out is great fun!

    What are some tips to first time players?

    If you want to get into PvP, don't worry about having all the buffs, best armor, best weapons, or any of that crap. Don't wear the training wheels forever, you'll never get any better. I went from estus chugging loser to competent fighter in only a couple weeks because I was only using a Zweihander, some rings and good looking armor. It's "git gud or die trying". Oh, also don't be salty when you lose.

    If you're just in for the PvE and story, practice roll timing and your shield usage. Never ever fat-roll, its better to not get hit at all, or just use a shield, than have tons of armor. Also, don't draw aggro from all the enemies at once, try fighting them one at a time if possible, if they gang up on you it's much harder. Also, don't kill the helpful npc's on sight, I had a friend who killed the Emerald Herald on sight for some stupid brainless reason, just don't do that. Also, don't mash R1/Rb, and learn to manage your stamina, even though stamina regenerates fast you have to wait a few seconds for it, being on low stamina constantly might get you killed.