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Character Build: The Crazy Specialist (FNV)

Tags: #Character Build Gunslinger  #Character Build Infiltrator  #Fallout NV Build  #Character Build Grenadier 
  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    They say that if you see him your already dead because more than likely a grenade is already on its way and even if you survive the grenade his silenced pistol will finish the job... so if you see this boom addicted psycho either run or pray that you die quickly...

    The Crazy Specialist 

    Maria did more damage than Doc Mitchell thought leaving you with a superior intellect yet damaging your social skills and causing you to have an obsession with loud noises and nothing makes a louder boom than a bomb

    You figure out a way to make microfusion cells explode and you like the pretty explosion so much you become addicted to it and each time one explodes you feel happy

    You need to regularly take your medicine or else you will get sick and die: Rad-x Med-x Radaway and Stimpaks  whichever is more relevant

    You are a noise addict not a chem user pick up any chems you find and sell them to fuel your bomb craze with the exception of med-x


    S) 8

    P) 5

    E) 5

    C) 1

    I) 9

    A) 3

    L) 9

    Traits: Loose Cannon and Skilled (I prefer Skilled but you can replace it with Wild Wasteland if you want)

    Requires Honest Hearts and Gun Runners Arsenal and Old World Blues

    Major perk 

    Mad Bomber (it is essential for this build)

    Any other perks you may want this build is very flexible when it comes to perks the only one you MUST have is Mad Bomber though I would not recommend more than one demolition expert rank you will see why

    Major/tagged Skills 

    Explosives (duh) 

    Repair (also duh)

    Medicine (Doc Mitchell told him to regularly take his medicine if he doesn't he gets REALLY sick and dies so he needs a good medicine skill to make the medicine work better)

    Secondary skills 

    Guns only 25 (can go to 40 to access Alexander) but 25 is minimum



    Survival (I never need this but it can be useful)

    Tertiary skills

    Melee 25 (for warclub)


    General Purpose 25mm APW (fully modded)

    Light duty ranged extermination and finishing off low health enemies .45 auto pistol (fully modded) 

    Light duty close range Fully modded Warclub

    Whenever something MUST die as quickly as possible (Deathclaws/Cazador) Esther

    Your signature weapon and the one you will be using most often Micro Fusion Cell (MFC)  Grenade


     I use the stealth suit mk 2 besides Ed-e the suit is your only friend she makes sure you take your medicine and talks to you in a calming voice so you are always aware of your surroundings though she's just as crazy as you are and sometimes sees enemies when their aren't any


    Open every fight with a MFC grenade or two,

    if any Weak humans/ghouls are left standing give them a lethal headache with the 45 

    For Large groups of enemies that could kill you easily (Cazadors, Multiple Deathclaws) Esther 

    Single Deathclaws, Legion, NCR 25mm APW

    Anything that isn't going to kill you if it gets close to you (mole rats, Mantis,coyotes Random melee thugs) War Club 


    ED-E you will be using him/her (I pronounce it Eedee so its female to me) a lot,  her crafting abilities are a lifesaver if you need more grenades or ammo

    Any one of these Boone, Raul, Lily, Arcade... Any of the ranged companions Veronica is a bad choice because she's going to get blown up


    I almost always side with Yes Man but its up to you I would however not recommend the legion, Boone is one of the best companions for this build so try not to upset the NCR or he will hate you and if you are accepted or higher you get the radio which gives you an extra trooper/Ranger to help you 


    Very simple if you see it chuck a grenade at it and follow the guidelines above however if you are going to use Esther a grenade will often just make it angry but remember your a bit touched in the head so go for it

    And if you are going to use the APW the grenade is often not necessary but since you will often have 100+ in your inventory and a surplus of mf cells (not grenades) feel free to throw them like you really are a crazy person with an addiction to loud noises

    Final Thoughts 

    Your crazy not necessarily evil remember that 

    You like explosives so much you are borderline suicidal so SAVE OFTEN

    You get sick and die without your meds so make sure to have a lot on hand at all times

    He is CRAZY so even if you wouldn't normally throw a grenade 10 feet from you do it anyway and be a good boy and take your medicine right after

    Creators Note 

    I don't have pictures and I am very new to this forum so this is my first build... Feel free to comment on ways I can make this better I tried to make this as simple as possible (I explain what you need and how to use if for best results) if I should add or change anything let me know I tried to make this as original as possible by making him "legitimately" crazy so have fun while blowing stuff up

  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    Ignore this I added it by accident

  • Member
    October 29, 2015
    An crazed version of the Soldier from TF2. Awesome. :)
  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    II wasn't modeling it after the soldier this is the actual character I put together and started playing yesterday I'm having so much fun I figured I'd share it

  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    For those of you who comment please don't curse if possible (don't really care for cursing)

  • Member
    October 29, 2015
    I know, it kinda sounded like him. You did good though.
  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    Thank you I tried to have an answer for everything the only problem this guy has is dead money but if you use the mad Bomber and just chuck a MFC grenade at anything that moves you should be ok and I specifically went with the 45 auto not Grahams gun because 25 guns is easy to get unlike 75 for the unqiue version and the silencer gives him a more Specialist feel and also reinforce the crazy part he's using bombs and grenades and instead of using a loud gun he uses a quiet one it doesn't make sense so it works

  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    Also I specifically chose ONLY semiauto weapons because I really don't like automatic weapons the only automatic weapon I regularly use is the laser rcw or the 9mm submachine gun (for all the rest I never seem to get enough ammo to make it worth using any other automatic weapon) and besides I ascribe to the old way of combat semiauto or bolt action aimed fire NOT the modern "if I shoot a billion bullets in the enemies general direction I will eventually hit something"

  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    EDIT added old world blues to the necessary dlc 

    Removed Randall Clark's Ranger armor

    Added Stealth suit mark 2 reread and find out why

    Also added Med-x to list of acceptable medicine (No other chems though you aren't a chem addict)

  • Member
    October 29, 2015

    same here, I also like semi-auto.