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WiP Character Build: The Fede, or The Fastest Khajjiit Alive!

Tags: ##Khajiit  ##WiP  ##monk 
  • July 19, 2017


    The Fede (The Fastest Khajiit ALIVE!!)


    This one is called Ba'ri Ah'len....and this one is the fastest Khajiit alive. When I was a cub, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. Then the power of Talos made me the impossible. To the outside world, this one is ordinary alchemist and enchanter, but with the help of the College of Winterhold, I secretly use my speed to protect the Central City of Whiterun and all of Skyrim by fighting crime and finding others like me. This the Fede!


    I've seen other builds that have tried to replicate this idea, but in most cases they rely on exploitive mods that reduce shout time to nothing, or break the world by simply inserting a copy of the Flash into the game. My goal here is to try and create a viable build relying only on the Ordinator mod to help with Unarmed Combat. This build relies on shouts, unarmed strikes, and a bit of lightning magic to replicate the powers, while not running all over the in-game lore. Speaking of which, "Fede" is the only word I could find that translates roughly to "The Flash" or "The Fast". 

    Race: Khajiit for maximizing unarmed strike, but any human race would work.

    Magicka/Health/Stamina: 1/1/2  Stamina is your bread and butter, enhancing your unarmed strikes using  ordinator perks. Magicka powers your lighting.

    Equipment: Jester's Clothing (can be forged using mods), Morokei from the Labyrinthian Mage College Quest (make sure you use the Unoffical Skyrim Patch to ensure it has the right enchantment. Amulet of Talos. Light armor gauntlets and boots. Fortify Unarmed wherever possible. 


    Shrine: Talos all the way


    Stone: Thief to get Light Armor going, then Lady for Regeneration or Atronarch if fighting Mages.


    Major Skills Ordinator: Light Armor, Destruction, Restoration.

    Minor Skills Ordinator: Sneak, Illusion, Alchemy, Enchanting

    Vanilla Skyrim Skills

    Major: Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Sneak

    Minor Heavy Armor (Fists of Steel), Alchemy, Smithing, Enchanting.


    Shouts: Whirlwhind Sprint, Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Marked for Death, Cyclone.


    Notes: Ordinator in Light Armor has several unarmed and speed-related perks. In Vanilla, you will need the Fists of Steel perk with Enchanting to enhance your Unarmed.  Take all the lightning related perks and use lightning spells for ranged attacks. Restoration reflects the original Flash's ability to regenerate health and stamina quickly. Enhance this with a good supply of the relevant potions. 

    Ba'ri is an Alchemist by trade, referencing Barry Allen's role as a chemist and police scientist. Dabbling in the other craft skills creates a broader set of "scientific" skills to draw on. 

    Perk Spread: TBA, but in Vanilla Fists of Steel is going to be essential, as well as the Destruction perks. 


    Looking for any advice or suggestions.

  • July 19, 2017

    Must resist the urge to...So Dallan, I'm down with the idea itself, I was planning an unarmed build with Ordinator just a while ago (I stopped planning ti though) and I'm always down for it. However, I have to say that that I think the presentation is really far off. First I always recommend just sticking with the normal font of the site (I...I'm actually not sure what it is but you should be able to cancel a font change by simply deselecting whatever font you have) and uh, well it's an especially prominent suggestion when your using Comic Sans because other than just not really working well on the site (it kind of looks like it cuts the bottom off of every letter) it's just you know, generally a font that people seem to hate for whatever reason. The red text is also a bit hard to read for me but that first image is pretty awesome. 

    So yeah, I'm not trying to be super negative, and it's pretty cool to be seeing a build from you but I'd really edit the presentation of the build to make it a bit easier to read. But yeah, the build itself does seem like it's going to be really cool and I'll happily help out if I can (just send me a message if you need anything), good luck mate :D

  • July 19, 2017

    Lol Thanks, mate! Layout was never my strong suit. I'm going to seriously revamp this with help from the Artists Group. I'd like to try and blend the feel of the comic books a bit, since that's where the character concept comes from. The Flash's colors are red and gold, but I agree, this looks like overkill. So far as the actual build, the idea is to use whirlwind sprint to replicate the Flash's speed and other powers, while using unarmed and lightning as primary attacks. The talos stacking will lower the cooldown time on the shouts. 

    No worries, first draft and all that! Thanks!

  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    I am not sure how much feedback I can add to this, it is a way-out concept but not in a bad way. I wonder, if you wanted to make it feel a bit more lore (if that makes sense) maybe consider throwing a M'aiq the Liar link in. Like, in TES V he talked about running fast across the land, and sometimes in TES IV, like in Skyrim, you could find him at point A and then when you arrive at point B he was already there.

    Alkosh is the Dragon-Cat of Time, and M'aiq is a bit of a mystery. If you wanted something metaphysical to help ground you in both TES and Marvel, that's how I might approach it :)

  • August 1, 2017
    That would be very helpful. I'd like to make sure this is grounded in the lore while stI'll obviously inspired by the comic book hero. I've seen builds that just dump the character into Skyrim without a good reason and I'd like to avoid that if possible.
  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    Cool! So, M'aiq is essentially an easter egg, as we know. He is the mouth-piece of the developers, and his rumours are barely-hidden allegory. Just in case I am not being very articulate, we can see this quote from his UESP page:

    "Much snow in Skyrim. Enough snow. M'aiq does not want any more."

    Referencing the fact that Skyrim was promised to have dynamic snow that built on surfaces. This is present in the game to a small degree, but really only changes textures to snowy textures instead of accumulating a physical pile of snow.

    Despite being an easter egg, he still needs explaining in-universe. So my first step is the Imperial Library where i found:


    Clarifying the nature of CHIM (01/15/10):

    2) M'Aiq, don't forget the hypnogogic part spun along the nature of Tamriel with an admixture of the love of parenthood that would follow. Not the "power"-- the cherishing.

    Yeah. I can't even right now. Clearly this is telling us that M'aiq is somewhere high up above our comprehension (although if you can explain that, please do :D ) I think it's saying that he is the loving/cherising part of the dreamer - those pleasant thoughts you might get just before dropping off in front of a fire at christmas, content and happy with your loved ones. Or I may be way off-base :D

    But! If TIL can't answer, I look up R/teslore. Last resort only, as i only ever go with names I trust there. I found this which seems right up your street:

    So, now you've read the comments. There are four 'tropes' throughout the Dream, M'aiq, KINMUNE, Heimskr, and Pelinal. MK likened them to the Celestials from Marvel, which are primordial beings made of energy that seeded every other lifeform in existence and orchestrate the uni/multiverse. I hypothesize these figures as the "voices" in Anu's head. They are from waves of their own that collide with and shape the wave of the Aurbis. Now, when two waves meet, you have interference. There are two forms of interference, destructive and constructive. I propose three waves, the Aurbic, the Anuic, and the Padomaic. When one strikes another, you have an action, influence from a 'Celestial.'

    The Anuic wave is Anu's conscious mind. It's his voice that he controls and thinks with. The Padomaic wave would be like his subconscious, those thoughts in the back of your head, wether you know they're there or not, that you can't control. The Godhead is schizophrenic, after all, and if the Amaranth resembles the Godhead, it'd make sense for Anu to have little voices in his head.

    When the Anuic wave creates constructive interference, you have M'aiq. M'aiq comes as a liar, but he speaks the truth. His wisdom guides us towards the ultimate destiny, and he is shown to Love this world and its residents as himself, for we are him. I'd keep going, but I'd just be reiterating my previous posts. This is Anu's voice, him as himself. He is The Proctor.

    Here's the full link. It seems to me that all this talk of waves, energy, interference... sounds a bit like a large hadron colider type thing going on :)

    The Proctor IV: M'aiq and Friends

    I know it is at risk of being too deep and weird, and I won't lie and say I understand it fully. But I am hoping that ention of Marvel and Celestial might mean more to you than I.

  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    M'aiq is a God in Mortal form. according to theories

  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    If i were to break it down, minus my lack of knowledge on Marvel's Celestials, i would say something like how Anuiel is the soul of Anu, and Auriel is the soul of Anuiel. That's the time link as Ahnurr is the Khajiiti version of Anu, while Alkosh is the Khajiiti version of Auriel.

    So, if M'aiq is the thoughts or energy waves of Ahnurr, then he is connected to time by a huge thematic element (justifiable enough, at any rate).

    Depending on how you wish to play it, I might say:

    In the beginning there was stasis and chaos. As these two forces collided and rolled, ripples were sent out through the newly-formed universe and these energy waves came to be called Anhurr and Fadomai, the souls of stasis and chaos personified.

    Other beings came into existence then, gods and demons, spirits and urges. One of these was called Alkosh the First Cat. And Ahnurr said, "Alkosh, we give you Time, for what is as fast or as slow as a cat?"

    And from that energy Alkosh formed two beings, M'aiq who comes as a liar but speaks the truth, and Ba'ri'Ah'len, the fastest Khajiit alive...

    That way, there is no overthinking or explanaition on the complex, it fits with the M'aiq thing (as near as I can figure it in this context) and is a TES way of explaining a Big Bang. 

    But I don't wish to overstep the mark here, just offering thoughts :)


  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    Paws said:

    Alkosh is the Dragon-Cat of Time, and M'aiq is a bit of a mystery. If you wanted something metaphysical to help ground you in both TES and Marvel, that's how I might approach it :)


    Damn, Phil :D Are you sure about that..


    For some reason you didn't include the shout Slow Time nor the perk Quick Reflexes, which both allow you to slow down the world around you (which in fact is one of the Flash' abilities), it might be an oversight but defo take it into your build. Also note that effects on you will tick slower while Slow Time is active, effectively granting you additional time on on your potions.


    I feel like some font from the website 'Cooltext' or a downloaded font would work much better for the main header.


  • Member
    August 1, 2017

    Maybe something on the lines of this for the header.


    Idk why but the resolution gets absolutely destroyed when uploading a pic. Should be 2600 x 600 but..