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Let's Talk: Infamous

    • 342 posts
    April 23, 2012 11:30 PM EDT


    If you had the power, would you use it for Good? Or would you use it for Evil?

    Cole MacGrath faces this choice after waking up at the epicentre of a giant blast that has crippled the entire city. Before the blast Cole was just a bike courier in Empire City, now he controls the power of electricity, able to shoot it from his hands and suck it directly out of objects that use it. But everything is not fun and games for Cole, he has been labelled a terrorist and the city is on the verge of hunting him down.

    So would you stand the tide and help those that wish to harm you, or do you take down anyone who opposes you?

    Infamous is a real game of good vs. evil every choice you make reflects on how you look, how your powers work, how people respond to you even the city changes to reflect your alignment. Along the way you’ll have some hard decisions to make or rather simple if the case may be.  

    As you move through the game restoring power to the sections of the city you gain new powers everything from grinding on power cables and train tracks, small distance gliding, sniping with bolts of electricity and eventually calling down the thunderous power of from the sky itself.

    Cole no matter what side he is fighting on wants to know what is really going on and what it has to do with him and who really is responsible for the blast. Throughout the course of the game you will travel all over Empire City, a city built over 3 islands. Neon the island where Cole hangs out with his friend Zeke, the Warrens a slum of an island even before the blast is now an even dim and dank place to be and the Historic District where it all began.

    There are plenty of side missions to do and Blast Shards to collect these boost the number of special attacks you can do, before needing to recharge.
    The cut scenes are presented as a motion comic instead of the usual FMV.
    Want a bit of a challenge? Try out the stunts at the bottom of the pause menu.

    So that’s Infamous. Now Let’s Talk : Infamous.

    • 668 posts
    April 24, 2012 12:08 AM EDT

    My four year old nephew loves this game. He's a gamer baby like the rest of us. :)

    • 342 posts
    April 24, 2012 12:21 AM EDT

    I found it an intriguing game, though it offers both good and evil options and consequences I've noticed that I keep playing the good side, even though there seems there is no reward for doing so (a.k.a Trish)

    • 668 posts
    April 24, 2012 1:12 AM EDT

    I've never played, just watched him do it. It's so funny watching his little 4 year old self gaming. He's so serious.

    • 342 posts
    April 24, 2012 1:14 AM EDT

    hahah when i was 4 i played sonic the hedgehog :P

    • 668 posts
    April 24, 2012 1:17 AM EDT

    Caden playing Counter Strike. lol!

    • 342 posts
    April 24, 2012 1:31 AM EDT

    lol okay i was never that serious :P

    • 98 posts
    April 24, 2012 1:25 PM EDT

    THANK YOU! I've been waiting on something Infamous related!

    • 773 posts
    April 24, 2012 3:07 PM EDT

    This was the first game I got when I first got a PS3, and I played it solidly for about two months.

    You've given a very thorough description Charlie, which I won't replicate. But a couple of my own observations.

    1. The best thing about Infamous IMO is that its just soooooo much fun. Being able to jump from building to building, grab hold of ledges and then 'surf' across an electrical cable is cool and fun. And when you get to be able to surf along the rail tracks its totally awesome.

    2. The city is rendered in a really interesting way, with a grimy, gritty vibe, lots of criminal elements - and yet it really does feel like a 'proper' city. OK, so most of the NPCs are generic no-names who wander around doing nothing much, but that doesn't really matter, because it helps to give the city a 'lived in' feel.

    3. The game feels remarkably well 'balanced'. You start out very weak, with very few powers or skills, and have to build up gradually. The enemies that you meet invariably seem to be at a level that give you a decent scrap, without being overpowered in any way.

    It's well over a year since I played it, so I'm using my memory here - but I certainly have very pleasant memories of 'Infamous'

    I've never played Infamous 2. Is it any good?

    • 342 posts
    April 24, 2012 6:50 PM EDT

    yes i loved to rail surf :D there is actually a achievement if you do it continuously for a long time, you just have to dodge the train :P

    yes the city really does look like a city a miss-mash of buildings and open spaces. yeah the people really suck but then again if your evil you can just suck the life out of them, or if your good you tend to spend ages healing them up cause they always seem to be falling down. hence the love of rooftop running.

    oh yes the balance is actually well set it gives you the abilities you need to deal with the mobs that they send at you but never really more then you can handle. and so by the end when you gain the mega skills they actually feel like that, mega skills.

    yeah infamous has replay value in it especially when you can choose to go either side you'll get a slightly different story and/powers.

    sorry i haven't played Infamous 2 yet its on my list to buy.

    • 342 posts
    April 24, 2012 6:50 PM EDT

    your welcome Nyan :)

    • 668 posts
    April 24, 2012 8:57 PM EDT

    I know, that kid is hard-core at 4. Just imagine in a couple of years. And he holds his own with my bf, his uncle and grandpa in counter strike. A few times they have forgotten they were playing with a 4 year old.

    • 38 posts
    April 25, 2012 7:08 AM EDT

    very good game, similar to Sucker punch's Sly Raccoon games that I loved. The controls of any climbing game is going to be annoying, but they did it well.

    • 342 posts
    April 25, 2012 7:14 AM EDT

    I don't remember playing any Sly raccoon games so i can't give you any comparisons but both the sly raccoon games and Infamous were made by the same people so if you are seeing similarities that's probably why.

    • 38 posts
    April 25, 2012 7:30 AM EDT

    I know Infamas is Sucker Punch as well. It was Paul's comment on jumping between roofs and interesting city designs that reminded me of sly, and I'm keen for the 4th this year

    • 342 posts
    April 25, 2012 7:40 AM EDT

    yeah this seems like another good year for games :D

    • 98 posts
    April 25, 2012 8:36 AM EDT

    In Ifamous 2 there is a DLC to hgave slys cane

    • 98 posts
    April 25, 2012 8:45 AM EDT

    Yes Infamous 2 is extremely fun.

    The tutorial is a boss fight so it is very intersting and, New Marias is much more "alive" than Empire City, if your a hero you can choose to stop a mugging or save a few kidnapping victim but, if your evil you can silence those annoying protesters or stop a few cops from snooping around. The fire and ice powers are a nice touch as well.

    Early in the game you feel sort of overwelmed by enemies but latter on you start to feel like you can do anything, well you do untill you meet the Titan but no spoilers :P. Overall it's a very fun game.

    • 342 posts
    April 29, 2012 2:14 AM EDT

    Wow, I just finished the last chapter/mission for Infamous and omg the twist was awesome!!!