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Good spots to steal?

    • 6 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:04 PM EDT

    I thought it'd be cool to make a discussion sharing good towns and houses you can steal from. I am playing a Khajiit thief and I want to make some quick cash, so can anyone tip me off maybe a house somewhere that has a safe or something in it? We can all share good things to steal! :)

    I'll start off by giving other thieves some good places:

    - Honningbrew Meadery! You can steal anywhere from 1 to 10 mead from each barrel in this place and there are LOTS of barrels. I ended up with 170 mead, sold for about 6 each making a quick profit.

    - Black Briar Meadery! Same deal, but if you start Romlyn Dreth's quest and turn him in to Indaryn you can take it all rather than steal it. Sells for a bit more than Honningbrew Mead.

    - Scorched Hammer! There are LOTS of ingots in this house, and a safe + strongbox with some gold and gems. 

    • 29 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:08 PM EDT

    Nice idea although after you have completed a quest for someone you should just go to their house and take there gold/goodies and most of it wont be considered stealing.

    But if you dont want to be the nice Khajit...

    I got this from neoseeker credits to author.

    "If you just want to make a profit, I recommend alchemy shops. It's easy to roll out of one of those places with thousands of golds worth of stuff in your inventory and still plenty of space left. Besides, once you make the stolen ingredients into a potion they become legit for selling."

    • 856 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:18 PM EDT

    Yes, you can get some fairly decent items legit, just for helping people.  It makes sense.  You save their life, help them w/romance, re-open their mine, etc., sure they'll glad to let you have some things.  I hated it Oblivion, when I recued that Argonian's daughter - "I can never repay you"  (I go to talk, but misclick on an apple instead).  "Thief!!"  - What?!  I rescue your daughter, and I can't eat one of your apples?

    For thieves, I'm going to ditto the alchemical shops.  Once they're potions you don't have need a fence, and you don't have to worry about your goods being confiscated.  (Are there any fences for non-thief guild people?)

    • 29 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:29 PM EDT

    No in order to get a fence you have to to the thieves guild mainquest or the sub-quests from Vex and/or Devin Mallory.

    and lol yeah it is very annoying when I accidently stole something but most times they would take it back from me and give me a warning

    • 6 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:32 PM EDT

    There is a perk at level 90 for the Speech tree which turns all merchants in the game into fences. :)

    • 29 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:36 PM EDT

    o_0 i totally forgot. for me Speech was a skill that took a while to rank up I am only at 57 or 67 something close to  but I really dont like this perk as it is a free pass for merchants to become fences...

    and btw my real name is Ryan as well lolol

    • 856 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:47 PM EDT

     It is a way to get around having to be a guild member... plus I think you have to invest in a merchant to make them a fence.  Speech is so haaard to raise.  (I don't consider it a 'free pass', it does take up one of your perks, and you need to invest gold as well.)

  • April 3, 2012 12:50 PM EDT

    If you go in the Treasury in Markarth behind the desk with the clerk is a gate you can pick. Behind it is silver ore and some other stuff. Instant 500 gold TG Radiant quest completion

    • 6 posts
    April 3, 2012 12:57 PM EDT

    You could always do the infinite loop in the Black-Briar Meadery, or make loads of potions with Alchemy and sell them for medium fast training.

    • 271 posts
    April 3, 2012 2:47 PM EDT
    It's a place outside Morthal, "Stonehills", i think. It is like 10 iron ignots + an iron mine. :-)
    • 6 posts
    April 3, 2012 5:21 PM EDT

    I found a great place! In Markarth, there is a house, I think the guy who owns is it called Endon, he has a wife and a daughter. In any case, in that house, there are two display cases crammed with jewelry! I found:

    - 2 Jeweled Necklace (Value: 380 Each)
    - 2 Silver Sapphire Necklace (Value: 580 each) 
    - 2 Silver Garnet Ring (Value: 160 Each)
    - 1 Silver Emerald Necklace (Value: 830)
    - 2 Silver Amethyst Ring (Value: 180 each)
    - 1 Silver Necklace (Value: 60)