Forums » Elder Scrolls

Do you ever simply avoid dragon shouts entirely?

    • 394 posts
    May 27, 2015 7:08 AM EDT

    You could view each Dragonborn character as inhabiting an alternative universe? That's how I justify it. It also works for dying then coming back straight away. 

    • 394 posts
    May 27, 2015 7:12 AM EDT

    Nah - leave the saving the world malarkey for someone else! It's funny how dragon attacks seem to depend on my becoming Dragonborn, so I don't. World saved ;)

    • 394 posts
    May 27, 2015 7:19 AM EDT

    Skuldafn is the start of the good stuff? Good to know! My MQ character has just started that

    • 394 posts
    May 27, 2015 7:24 AM EDT

    All good points. 

    Also: that made me laugh, thanks! As a Dad of young twins I can relate!

    • 10 posts
    May 27, 2015 9:03 AM EDT

    I never said spells were more powerful or better than shouts.  What I said was that - as a whole - I use spells much more than shouts.  When I do use shouts, I use them primarily because I need to.  When it comes to gameplay though, I  have focused on spells and melee to win fights.  

    Why? Because shouts feel unnatural.  I know shouts are meant to be the center piece of the game, but I simply can't bring myself to play them in that way.

    • 20 posts
    May 27, 2015 6:10 PM EDT

    Ah, another dad of multiples!  We've got triplets - turning 4 this July.  They're starting to get pretty competent right about now 

    • 4 posts
    May 27, 2015 6:48 PM EDT

    It's less me not using the shouts, and more me forgetting to. Every time I get myself into a situation, I completely forget about the shouts. It's the same with powers. I wish I'd remember though because some powers are really useful.

  • June 5, 2015 6:26 AM EDT

    I'm on the PC and always use the "alternate Start" mod, so most of my characters don't start at Helgen, never encounter dragons and never learn any shouts. I don't mind shouts, and miss them on some characters/builds, but I prefer to mix things up in my play-throughs and not do the same quests every time.

    My vampire hunter for example has over a 100 hours played, finished the Dawnguard and a whole bunch of other quests, but has never seen a dragon in her life

    • 52 posts
    June 7, 2015 6:32 AM EDT
    A very interesting question!

    I myself, never started the main quest. Because I have seen a lot of friends as well as my own mother work through it, I see that there isn't a need for me. My goals in Skyrim is to explore, wander and hunt for goodies!
    Dragons take the fun out of that experience in several ways. Besides, before starting any quest, the player needs to prepare and bone up on essential skills and supplies! while the vast world of Tamriel is filled with mystical delights for the mind and eyes, it is too just as Dangerous.

    My suggestion is to start on the main quest when players char. is "well off" on everything comfortable if you will.
    As for shouts, I use them seldomly to oftenly pending on situation. There are though essential shouts to learn to get you out of a sticky situation or make things easier. An example of this would be Become Ethernal. Its the Destiny of the entire game for the character to be Dragonborn. However, what I think is the best feature ever is. . .
    The Freedom of Choice to accept or decline the fate and do whatever you want! Thus why I think this is the best game ever! Am I right?