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Will you be playing Mass Effect 3?

    • 377 posts
    March 2, 2012 4:37 AM EST

    Will you be playing Mass Effect 3? If so, are you playing the previous Mass Effect games to prepare for the upcoming game? Will you be transferring a saved games, and if so what choices had you made in previous games? Are you/will you be participating in the new multiplayer?

    If not, how come?

    • 708 posts
    March 2, 2012 5:03 AM EST

    I'll be playing ME3, definetely. Maybe not on release, since it's when uni assignments and such start, but definetely within a few months. I'm currently in the middle of a ME2 playthrough, which I imported from an ME1 playthrough I finished last week. I wasn't completely happy with the decisions I made with my previous 'main' character so here's the ones I've made/will make with this guy:

    - Do every side quest, for potentiall follow-ons in ME3


    - Wrex lives

    - Romanced nobody

    - Shiala (thorian asari) lives

    - Saren committed suicide

    - Council lives


    - Anderson becomes Councilor

    - All squad members loyal and survive suicide mission

    - Get Legion

    - Romance Miranda

    - Destroy collector base


    I'm going about 2/3 Paragon to 1/3 Renegade with my decisions.

    I'll definetely be playing the co-op, I played a bit in the demo and it was really fun, I like the way the loadout and customisation system works for each class/character (Favourites was probably Infil with shotgun, engineer with pistol only, and Sentinel with Mattock.)

    • 426 posts
    March 2, 2012 5:27 AM EST

    Yeah I will be playing it I have played it since the first game and imported my save over. I m looking forward to the conclusion of this franchise I just hope they haven't messed it up with the addition of multiplayer and kinnect. The second game was good but no where near as much fun as the first. The dynamics of the game changed for the worse in my opinion it lost that edge the first game had. Saying that though I love the universe they have built and really enjoy the shepard storyline so I will be partaking at somepoint.