Forums » Elder Scrolls

Photo host position available

    • 180 posts
    January 15, 2015 11:50 AM EST

    Hello all. 

    So, the site needs a new photo host and being the sadistic human being I am, I decided I would make those interested in the position compete for my amusement. 

    To start off, you're going to need to read this. These rules will apply to the competition so learn them. 

    The competition itself is fairly straight forward. You need to find or create a Skyrim image, then stick a funny caption  on it. Whoever comes up with the caption I enjoy most by Sunday (Whenever I drag my ass out of bed GMT), will get the host position. Keep in mind I'm looking for originality; if I've seen the caption before I probably won't pick it. Please submit your entries in this discussion.

    You can submit as many images as you want and you can reuse the same images that have been used before. Only the caption needs to be original. As always you can still take part if you're not interested in the position, just leave a note saying so when you post your picture.