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Thoughts on the Mass Effect 3 demo?

    • 708 posts
    February 15, 2012 12:50 AM EST

    As many of you probably know, the ME3 demo came out today. I played through the singleplayer portion as an Infiltrator and did a bit of multiplayer too, as Sentinel. Here's my thoughts:

    - I think combat is a little *too* fast now. Reload in about half a second, less health, etc etc.  Especially in multiplayer. I preferred ME2's combat speed, 1's was a bit too slow IMO. It feels too much like a modern warfare FPS health-wise. I feel like I'm cheating when I can cloak every 5 seconds...

    - Loving the new weapons/abilities/customisation. I like how they brought grenades back, and branching ability trees. The weapon upgrades sound good but I didn't find a upgrade station in the demo (let me know if there is one!)

    - More weapons for each class. I think I spent most of my time as Infiltrator with the shotgun, and it really allows you to develop a few playstyles within each class.

    - New enemy types. I think the engineers were highly underused in previous games, and the shielded/jetpack guys add new elements to each battle.


    Looking forward to hearing what you guys think! If anyone on PC wants to try out some co-op with me let me know

    • 1 posts
    February 15, 2012 2:39 AM EST

    I was blown away! I'll admit it did feel different I don't know if it's because I play on PC & tested the demo on Xbox 360. It was faster pace like you mentioned but I'm one of those players that will pikc "Story" I do love FPS games but when it comes to Mass Effect I'm all about the story!

    If games were all made into movies then this game should be put in line at 1! :)

    I loved the demo and sadly won't be able to play it till I get back from vacation :(
    But hope you all enjoy it, it won't dissapoint.

    PS Can't wait to try Multiplayer. 

    • 577 posts
    February 15, 2012 3:52 AM EST

    I gave it a go and enjoyed it. Didn't play it very long though. I think you were given 3 options? Combat, story and multiplayer? Idk, I just played the combat part. I definatly need that little tutorial to get my fingers and mind set back in gear. It's been a while since I've played ME2 and it definatly has it's unique gameplay.

    Personally, I was engrossed by the snippit of story that took place and really look forward to its release. The speed did seem a little fast, but I tend to blame that "other ;)" game when playing a FPS-type. Weapons abilities look really cool and advance bonus. Didn't try multiplayer. That really doesn't entice me yet. Will there be co-op? I'll look into it. More into that then your basic 'deathmatch' play.

    Bottom line is that I really look forward to the story. It will take me little time to get my squad back on track to save the earth!!!

    • 708 posts
    February 15, 2012 4:37 AM EST

    The multiplayer is co-op only, it's a team of 4 against wave attacks. Most waves there's a special objective - hunt down certain enemies within a time limit, find and disable some relays, stand around a point for a certain amount of time, etc etc. There's each of the classes and you unlock new races for each class, and each race has a different skillset.

    • 577 posts
    February 15, 2012 5:28 AM EST

    Oh hellz yeah! I'm all over that! For some reason I thought it was going to be kinda like DeadSpace2 multiplayer, Necromorphs vs. Humans....Reapers vs. Humans type thang.

    • 132 posts
    February 15, 2012 7:59 AM EST

    I only played the multiplayer for a bit because I have so much stuff to do right now, but I love it! It has so many cool nuances that make your characters different, like the weapon weight = power recharge speed, the branching power upgrades, and the weapon mods. I'm rocking a soldier right now, sniper + assault rifle combo is just amazing :D

    But damn, some of the people online are stupid. I spent a half hour yesterday just trying to join a match, because people kept joining and quitting, and then the leader would quit so it does a host migration. Then, the easily bored little kids quit because they don't want to wait for a migration, and by then it's just me, rinse and repeat. Bah... still haven't finished all 10 waves yet :(

    • 377 posts
    February 15, 2012 10:11 AM EST

    I loved it! A bit short but I loved it. Only one thing that really annoyed me was the sliding. For example, I'm trying to get out of cover and to the left or right, but instead I just slide to another cover. Hopefully there will be a way where I can change controls for that. I already got my pre-order in!

    • 132 posts
    February 15, 2012 11:28 AM EST

    From what I saw in the multiplayer, there is a little onscreen prompt that shows what you're going to do. When you hold the control stick in a direction and an arrow comes up, that means you will "swat move" (It's called something like that in Gears) to another piece of cover. If there isn't, you should leave normally. Just back up to break the cover first, then go in your chosen direction if you don't want to take chances. I doubt it will be changed, so you'll have to get used to it.

  • February 15, 2012 12:41 PM EST

    Mass Effect 3 Demo WHAT! *Runs off to go download*

  • February 15, 2012 2:22 PM EST

    Like you said the gameplay is too fast, it felt really rushed and it didn't help with these new touchy controls where if you press space sometimes youll dash into another cover instead of getting out, so it felt all extra fast and finicky and like you said - not enough health. It also doesn't help that with the new "fitness" skill, which is cool but now it feels like I'm gonna have to level it just so I can get that good health/original Mass Effect health. Couldn't get on the MP, I don't get what it means by activating the whatever thing. Do I have to go to the website?? I'm gonna go try another play. This time as my favorite class (infiltrator)

    • 132 posts
    February 15, 2012 3:25 PM EST

    Yeah, to access the multiplayer you have to 1. Have bought battlefield 3  or 2. sign up on the website. If you don't want to bother with either, it opens to everyone on the 17th.

  • February 15, 2012 5:25 PM EST

    Anyone else super pissed at how Origin is totally trying to copy Steam? I started Mass Effect 3 through Origin and a small popup came to the bottom right side of screen that said the exact same thing as the Steam popup except it was Origin and Alt+F1. This seriously pisses me off - and I don't even like it in the first place.

    • 708 posts
    February 15, 2012 5:32 PM EST

    Yeah it's EA's version of steam, they pulled most of their games from steam so they have to use Origin. I've had to use Origin for BF3 and to be honest it's rubbish at the moment.

    • 297 posts
    February 15, 2012 5:44 PM EST

    It's all the one who cares origin 'or steam their both moneyy making machine's so any loyalty to either is pointless

    • 82 posts
    February 16, 2012 1:22 PM EST

    Kingdoms of Amalur or Mass Effect 3?  I have but one gift card...

    • 377 posts
    February 16, 2012 1:36 PM EST

    Mass Effect 3.

  • February 16, 2012 1:47 PM EST

    It's just annoying that EA has to make this stupid Origin thing when Steam works great. The thing sucks, I don't want to be limited to using this crappy Origin cause I want a game from EA.

    • 297 posts
    February 16, 2012 2:49 PM EST

    but from ea's point of view they need a system that works across platforms steam is only for pc ea's money is mainly in the consoles,

    If you ask me i dont agree that some games need an online register even if there single player i think they put multiplayer in mass effect almost too vindicate the online pass system, I dont agree with this as it takes away any resale value to the consumer for no reason other than it seems greed,

    • 297 posts
    February 16, 2012 2:50 PM EST

    Kindoms of amalur doesnt even rank in that battle im afraid

    • 773 posts
    February 17, 2012 2:32 PM EST

    Tried it this afternoon.

    It's not my sort of game really, and I haven't played the other two. The trouble is I suck at anything that needs fast reaction times. Frankly I'm usually dead before I get the crosshairs lined up properly! So it all seemed too fast paced and too hectic for my liking

    I might give it another try later, but at this stage it wouldn't be a game for me

    But I'm glad everyone seems to like it 

  • February 17, 2012 2:41 PM EST

    You would probably have alot more luck with Mass Effect 3 as an Infiltrator I'd bet. Try the demo of that  It is getting very action based and hectic, I am kind of sad that they're going that route but maybe they might change it when they get feedback. Do you like RTS games? I'm sure if your someone who likes to go a bit slower you might like those - only thing is if you play online you can't pause the game in most of the games. I like Age of Empires kinds of games. I just can't get the hang of online Starcraft 2 for some reason.

    • 77 posts
    February 18, 2012 2:02 PM EST

    I WANT to try it, but I'm still a bit afraid of Origin. I don't know what it's capable of. Before it changed it's TOS atleast I knew exactly how draconian it was! But now, it's all blurry. If it's handling my data the same way that steam does, then great, I want ME3! But I'm unsure, it might handle my data in a manner that is waaaay different than steam. 

    Damn you Bioware for letting EA purchase you :/