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What is your favorite TES game and why?

    • 39 posts
    January 15, 2014 12:36 PM EST
    Personally, mine would be Morrowind, becase it has the best graphics, storyline, and over all is the biggest map of all of the games....and is a little more violent as well.
    • 39 posts
    January 15, 2014 12:38 PM EST
    It was the first game I actually played as well, long before SkyRim,Oblivion and even DaggerFall.
    • 14 posts
    January 15, 2014 12:51 PM EST
    Morrowind, all day! :) Even with the abhorrent combat! :p
    • 14 posts
    January 15, 2014 12:53 PM EST
    On a relatively unrelated point, I always hated that I couldn't have face paint on my Nords in Oblivion. I've always been a Nord.
  • Jen
    • 88 posts
    January 15, 2014 1:14 PM EST

    I want to love Morrowind, I really do,,,,,,,there is so much to love. But I absolutely despise the combat. When I have so much trouble killing one damn rat, it just sucks the fun out of the experience. So I admit my limitations as a gamer. I have never been able to finish it, though I go back to it from time to time. I guess Skyrim is my favorite, it's the one I play the most. I really enjoy Oblivion as well though and I think it has some really fun quests (I really love the Dark Brotherhood questline, Whodunit is one of my favorite quests in any game). 

  • Mr.
    • 763 posts
    January 15, 2014 1:35 PM EST

    Pretty sure the graphics in Skyrim are way better. As is the gameplay.

    Maybe you meant the best setting? I agree it has the best setting, it's something really unique, unlike Skyrim and Cyrodill, which are basically different kinds of high fantasy that everyone is familiar with, and are games much mure.. Ahm, (Skyrim above all) user-friendly? I'm not sure that's the word, but I hope you understand it...

    About the storyline, I also agree that it has the best main quest, followed by Oblivion and then Skyrim, and I loved the political touch that the game has between the relation of the Great Houses. And the lore present in Morrowind is fantastic, with all the dialogues, books and Vvardenfell itself. Morrowind is one of the main reasons that the Dunmer are my favorite race.

    And yes, Morrowind's combat system sucks. But in the end, it's worth it.

    However, with Skyrim being my first Elder Scrolls game... Ahh, screw it. It doesn't have a "special place in my heart"..

    • 661 posts
    January 15, 2014 1:45 PM EST

    However, with Skyrim being my first Elder Scrolls game... Ahh, screw it. It doesn't have a "special place in my heart"..

    You sir are a sinner.

    • 194 posts
    January 15, 2014 2:28 PM EST

    Only played Oblivion and Skyrim unfortunately. Morrowind looks really good. But if I'm arguing about everything a game represents I would be forced to choose Skyrim almost by default, considering the technological differences and modding community.

    You know, without the ability to mod I think Morrowind would be my favorite. I've watched the majority of the game on youtube. But if modders finish Skywind and Skyblivion... And maybe even Skyfall... Or Daggerim... Or whatever it would be the ultimate game.

    I can't wait to see how ESO fairs as an Elder Scrolls title. It seems so different in its story and by its gameplay obviously. But it can still bomb. MMO is a risky genre.

    • 661 posts
    January 15, 2014 3:07 PM EST

    Skyrim hands down. Its the latest, and the greatest. Plus it has thu'ums.

    • 39 posts
    January 15, 2014 3:17 PM EST
    I know! The combat in Morrowind is hard to get used too...but I found that in the 8 years I've played Morrowind higher rank always wins over combat situations!
    • 39 posts
    January 15, 2014 3:19 PM EST
    @ overhate I have never actually played Arena...well maybe once but I don't Rembrandt it, but usually you're right...first is the best.
    • 49 posts
    January 15, 2014 4:49 PM EST

    I've played all of them, and I have to say that Oblivion is the best. The graphics weren't as good as Skyrim, but hell, it had a ton of contrast and lush scenery that really made me feel like it was High Fantasy. Most of Skyrim was dark green or dreary, which I didn't like. It's an RPG, not a life simulator! And the quests in Skyrim were DREADFUL. I can't stand the factions. It's basically like "Hello there, newcomer. You just got here and are proficient in no skills whatsoever. But our leader has just died and instead of a completely qualified mage/thief/fighter taking over for them, we're choosing this newbie, because fuck you, that's why."

     Oblivion, on the other hand, had the best MQ I have ever seen. It really immersed me when I had to gather forces from all over Cyrodiil and close the gates. I actually felt like a true hero that earned his place, not some random dude who can shout.

     Morrowind was good, but it's too outdated for me. The combat is what gets to me most. I got killed by a scrib once because I couldn't hit crap with my dagger. And the previous games... meh.

     I want another game set in Cyrodiil, so I'm happy ESO is coming out.

  • January 15, 2014 5:16 PM EST
    Strange. Oblivion was my worst in terms of combat (well and in general...). But I despised its melee combat, it possibly caused me physical pain...
    • 79 posts
    January 15, 2014 5:17 PM EST

    Morrowind. Best enchanting/spellmaking/alchemy out of all games. Best functioning minimap. Has a wide variety spells-- AoE Weakness to Fire and Ice/Mark/Recall/Levitation/Fortify Jump/Slow Fall (you want to fly across the world map, there's a spell for you, hell you can even make your own.) . Very diverse landscapes.

    • 49 posts
    January 15, 2014 5:17 PM EST

    What was wrong with it? The only thing I didn't like was that enemies blocked too often.

  • January 15, 2014 5:27 PM EST
    There was no power or feeling of intensity to it. It was very floaty, like someone kind of half-heartedly swinging with their sword and it passes through a ghost.

    There was no change in strategy or variation in different fights. Just attack once or twice and then block until after they power-attack. Fighting a Rat (Skeever) felt fighting a Goblin which felt like fighting a bandit which felt like fighting a Dremora.
    • 1913 posts
    January 15, 2014 5:30 PM EST
    And oddly enough dremora felt like fighting deep voided Darth Vader bandits
    • 30 posts
    January 15, 2014 6:27 PM EST
    My favorite has to be Skyrim it was my first elder scrolls game my second was Oblivion.That has been the only game I've played since I got it early in 2012 (around January)and its the only game I've played consistently.The only thing I didn't like was the streamlined quests if it had its leveling system combined with oblivion's questing system it would be perfect.
    • 6 posts
    January 30, 2014 7:46 PM EST

    TES:[???], of course, because [????????? ???? ??????? ??????????? ??? ???? ?????? ???], 

  • Jen
    • 88 posts
    January 31, 2014 12:58 PM EST

    Closing the Oblivion gates got really tedious for me, but I agree that the main quest is really strong compared to Skyrim.  I think the main problem people have with the faction quests in Skyrim is rushing through them. I've never had the issue that I was a newbie that they asked to take over for no reason, because I would wait, take my time, spend time bounty hunting or whatever to learn the skills I would need to progress. I agree it's set up so it can be easier for the casual gamer to rush through, but there are ways around that to make it feel more genuine. Except for the The Companions, doesn't seem to be a way to avoid that without avoiding it completely for awhile. I really think they should have made you do a lot more smaller quests before you are asked to join the circle. So what I do is bounty hunting and training. But at the college you can spend a lot of time there, you can study, talk to trainers and help people. You can make it feel like you have earned your place. As a thief it's even easier, you can do many jobs and get the guild completely on it's feet before you take that position.

    • 104 posts
    January 31, 2014 1:08 PM EST
    If Morrowind were updated... It would be the greatest game evar. Evar!

    It makes me feel the most nostalgic. Setting, people, ash storms, weird animals, old daedric shrines, character stats dependent on what skills you used, the canals under Vivec, the Blight, dwarves, corprus, great houses, the wizards etc. etc.

    I really miss that game... I've never been as enraptured with a game storyline as that one.
    • 79 posts
    January 31, 2014 1:11 PM EST

    Morrowind, all day every day. If the graphics and combat were up to current Skyrim standards..