Forums » Elder Scrolls

Plagued by Restart-itis

    • 14 posts
    April 2, 2013 9:23 PM EDT

    I cannot even get into Dragonborn DLC because I keep changing chars.

    Melee gets repetative

    Mage doesn't scale

    Stealth Broken and Evil


  • April 2, 2013 9:28 PM EDT
    My advice; glass cannons. Try a high risk, high reward build. TwistedOthrus specializes in them; the Scourge (melee without armor), Stalhrim Master (no perks in armor skills or Smithing), and the Witchhunter (no armor archer).

    Another possibility is versatile characters. Like the Red Mage, which never truly maximizes any one skill. Or the Buoyant Armiger by Henson. Any versatile build, really.
    • 89 posts
    April 2, 2013 9:37 PM EDT
    Everything's repetitive, mage scales just fine, and sneaking isn't evil, unless you want it to be. Like Ben C said, you are focusing too much on skills, your probably getting caught up in making an epic build instead of just enjoying the game. Its happened to me a couple of times, you just gotta snap out of it.
    • 291 posts
    April 2, 2013 9:43 PM EDT

    For me, games start to get boring the second I start trying to min-max a character.  Mostly because I end up worrying constantly about not performing optimally, getting annoyed when I don't, feeling tired and bored when I go back, once again, to correct part of the build.

    It's much easier for me to make a build that has an "end point" when it comes to actually following the build.  You know, maybe I only focus on matching my build until level 30 where I'm fairly competent enough to not die horribly and I have the general "flavor" of the build created.  After that point, I might start putting perks into things I want, but don't need.  A bit like having a career, then taking up a hobby.

    • 14 posts
    April 2, 2013 10:46 PM EDT

    Thanks to all who reply I will have to focus on getting immersed once again. Btw that Bouyant Armiger is an awesome build.

    • 25 posts
    July 5, 2013 11:43 AM EDT

    if you had the idea for a build DO NOT I repeat DO NOT select perks on a perk calculator otherwise you will be striving for something rather than letting the gameplay flow

    • 118 posts
    July 5, 2013 12:24 PM EDT

    The problem I had was taking an 'end game' mindset from the beginning of a character.  Having a clear idea of where you are going does have its advantages but I found whenever I got to that point the journey was basically complete and boredom set in; I've always hated characters that level a bunch of skills, I'm more of a specialist character style.

    The best solution I've found thus far is to not focus on skills but rather a character story arch and lore.  Currently playing a brutish orc two-hander that is a total loner and enthralled by nature and alchemy.  Approaching the game this way I've found I enjoy a character far longer than previous and maxing out skills is simply something that happens in the background. 

    That said things will always get monotonous and eventually a restart will occur.  Tis the nature of the beast I'm afraid.


    And mods, mods make things better.

    • 185 posts
    July 5, 2013 12:41 PM EDT

    Grinding Skills In The Beggining Makes The Game Boring...

    No Craft Build Is Awesome

    You Can Focus Only In Gameplay/Roleplay,Without Need To Craft Item After Item,Enchanting A Lot Of Daggers...Etc

    And Finding A Good Enchanted Weapon/Armor In A No Craft Build Makes Me Happy

    Like Everyone Here Said:Change The Focus To Lore And Roleplay

    • 490 posts
    July 5, 2013 3:25 PM EDT
    Use skills for purposes other than what would make them crazy overpowered. Sneak is one of my favorites now to scout an area and plot out my attack.
    • 25 posts
    July 6, 2013 4:00 AM EDT

    for some reason I read "a brutish orc two hander" as "a British orc two hander"

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 12:51 PM EDT

    I am 6 hours, 11 minutes and 37 seconds into my current character and have discovered I'm sick of light armour. I intended this to be a no crafting run but long for a set of nord hero heavy armour, despite putting two perks into light. Grr...

    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:01 PM EDT

    Leather armor is the best! Gives all the feel light armor should give - agility, protection, not constraining in movements. It even has a large side bag for ingredients! 

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:07 PM EDT

    Always thinking positive! I like that about you  I can't help it, I need to restart and choose heavy armour and Steed stone. I'm sick of alteration flesh spells to augment protection. I'm sick of this whole damn build.

    Starting again.

    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:11 PM EDT

    In fact, a choice of armor doesn't matter, it all comes to personal preference. You are able to reach armor cap with both light and heavy armors. Especially on sneaky characters, it's all about aesthetics  Though I know you're not a big fan of stealth 

    • 74 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:13 PM EDT

    You could also just use the perk reset if you have Dragonborn installed. Granted it won't reset your skill level or stat points invested. But it could be quicker than just restarting!

    And I like the Stalhrim light armor set the best, @Vazgen.

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:18 PM EDT

    I know you're right but it's been so long since I've warn heavy that I miss it. Plus, doesn't it provide better protection at lower levels if used as a minor skill?

    I hope so or I just deleted and restarted for nothing...

    I did actually plan on using a bit of stealth but it's so slow!


    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:23 PM EDT

    That's the fun part of it! Knowing that you're always one step ahead of your enemy, planning your moves, watching them from the shadows and striking when they are the most vulnerable! You also get to experience a lot of conversations that you miss when playing non-stealth.

    Yeah, the choice in fact comes to whether you want max protection sooner or later. Heavy armor is more protective at lower levels, and Steed Stone makes sneaking in it easier than in clothing 

    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:23 PM EDT

    I like Stalhrim light armor, but it's pretty high level  And the helmet is hideous! 

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:24 PM EDT

    I don't help myself. I have this weird little ritual; every time I start a new character I upload my previous game to cloud, delte all data from hard drive (inc dlc), reinstall game to hard drive and listen to the entire Song of the Dragonborn before clicking start.

    So, good thought Dr Squid (cool name, btw) but too late

    • 74 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:26 PM EDT

    Oh god the helmet is so hideous indeed, but the Deathbrand armor set as a whole is so OP for the level you get it. 36, but still relatively low compared to what's dropping around then. 

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:28 PM EDT

    Good point, well presented. Do you know how many playthroughs it took me to realize the two bandits are discussing the golden claw when you first enter the tomb?

    I'm restarting. Give me a quick in game rp reason why I should head up to the steed stone straight off. What's nearby that wouldn't make me break character?

    • 74 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:28 PM EDT


    Usually I go by Derelict Squid. 

    I just kinda got nervous around creating a new toon because my main toon Pris got overwritten by a new one that I later deleted. Thank god I had a backup save, from 8 levels previous. I now keep about 5 save files for her and two for every other toon. "Just in case" 

    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:30 PM EDT

    Haha, agreed!  The sneaking in it is somewhat immersion breaking though. Who'd want to sneak in an armor that reflects all the light falling on it? 

    • 1595 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:31 PM EDT

    Derelict Squid is class! Inspired by a Reaper from ME2 by any chance?

    • 1483 posts
    July 6, 2013 1:32 PM EDT

    You can take carriage to Solitude and head straight there. There is the Wolfskull cave nearby and one bandit hideout. You can go there, grab the stone, return to Riverwood and start RP from there, if it contradicts with character