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Character Building and Breaking the Mold

    • 661 posts
    February 1, 2013 4:00 AM EST

    Usually the High Elf is meant to be a mage type character, but I tend to use their height as an advantage for more melee usage. Its not like being tall makes you better in combat, just looks cool.

  • February 2, 2013 4:58 AM EST

    Frankly ever since I started the game I always went with whatever I felt like doing. I don't care about how good the suggested builds are, and I don't care either if mine makes sense to others or not. What I most love about this game is the fact it's customizable, and if I took that away from it and started playing someone else's premade build, I'd have no fun at all.

    I play an assassin imperial woman, that uses a two handed to murder, is a vampire and loves lightning destruction spells. Does it fit any of the archetypes? Nope. Do I give a damn about it? Nope.

  • April 14, 2013 8:46 PM EDT
    Look out, guys, we got a badass :P
    • 485 posts
    April 16, 2014 7:30 AM EDT

    My Night Reaver is a good example of my attempts to break the mold with what looks like, on paper, the worst possible racial choice for the build. Nords gain no bonus towards any of the skills used in that build. Despite that it all works out so well seeing as Nord vampires are essentially immune to frost damage, and Battle Cry + Marked for Death make such a brilliant combination. 

    Lore wise its always great to see a build that breaks away from the supposed norm - the stereotypes. I think its reasonable to assume that not all Khajiits are skilled cutthroats, not all Nords are brave fighters, and not all members of a race worship the same deities. Odd-ball concepts like an Orc mage, a Redguard necromancer, or a High Elf knight tend to attract my attention more than builds that stick to the norm.

    • 56 posts
    April 16, 2014 9:02 AM EDT
    My first TES game is Skyrim. When my friend recommended it to me I have no idea about the franchise, let alone the lore. I just went over his place, watched him play for a while, then he let me play it. Until the day after. And I got into level 56ish, and Ive maxed out most of the warrior skills, some thief skills, and a little mage skills. I was trying to max them all, but I didnt know then how to use it to my playstyle. And the fact that Ive been playing at his laptop for over 2 days. :-D

    Ive had 3-4 playthroughs until I got bored with simple sneak archery, and searched on the web for more archers. Then I found this site.

    Oh, and all of my characters were Nords. I found the beast races funny, I dont like the females of other human races (I dont know how to make them pretty) and I hated the elven folk of TES. I mean, I was very much influenced by WoW, LotR elven races, and all of them are beautiful. And I looked at High Elves, Wood Elves, and I just went *eugh*..

    So, yeah. I never cared about RP at the time. When I first heard of it, its biggest selling point is that you can be whoever you want. There are no classes, something that Ive never experienced before.
    • 1595 posts
    April 17, 2014 3:18 AM EDT

    Good discussion Arcanus. I have always enjoyed playing a Cleric class in table top rpgs and exploring how  clerics of the different faiths would be. I think my biggest roleplay challenge in Skyrim was a Khajiit Cleric of Alkosh which was inspired by a mtg card. Balancing the cultural and racial attitudes of a Khajiit with that of a traditional cleric was interesting to say the least.

    It turned into a stealthy, thieving (borrowing) righteous warrior which could only work as a Khajiit.