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Puma Punku - clear evidence of ancient extra terestrial visits ,

    • 238 posts
    June 23, 2012 6:18 PM EDT

    In Bolivia there is a complex ruin of rocks. this ruin, "makes the incredible achievement of the pyramids look like childsplay".  The Puma punku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanade, a terraced platform mound that is faced with megalithic stone, and a walled eastern court.

    Here we have mega tonned stones up a mountain. Mainstream people will say our advanced ancestors, would have dragged these blocks up to there place.blocks.....weighing as little as 50 tonnes and as much as 800tonnes......up  a mountain...... and carved them with their tools..........carvings like this 

    blocks so precise

    and the most complex of all where MODERN technology wouldnt be able to do anything near as similar......these edges are so sharp they can STILL cut us. THESE blocks are so perfect and similar that they fit together like the pieces of a puzzle....yet SOMEHOW modern people STILL believe that our anchestors dragged these 130 tonned boulders up a mountain and carved them all to fit perfectly together............this area is 4000m above sea trees to help build for quarry for the rocks until 10 miles away..... fit the pieces together, to build and create.....we would agree plans and writing is needed? this ruin is so old it existed in a time where there was no written language.....

    it is clear evidence of machining...images show perfectly straight lines on different blocks and stones exactly similar in order to fit.

    there are perfectly identical sized holes in other rocks to go with this..

    ...........but maybe we should give our anchestors some credit you may think? they were after all....experts at stone carving etc.........HANG ON........the stones that are carved into........what are they?

    they are granite and diorite ....we all know to carve into something...we need something harder than the object you are working on. 

    SO you are all right now thinking, machinery? extra terrestrials helping? HA your crazy.....they were masters and they used their tools to carve these.....perfect lines and holes into granite and diorite blocks weighing as much as 50-800tonnes up a mountain........well...let me completely BLOW YOUR MIND

    whats harder than diorite?

    ......diamond....see they used diamond........oh.......shi** hang on a minute.

    DIAMOND. The only thing harder than diorite is your telling me that the tools were diamond tipped. hm

    so our ancestors, were able to create mega tonne jigsaw like structures with incredible symmetry and carve impossibly perfect lines depths shapes and circles into diorite with their diamond tools at the top of a mountain where nothing but grass is found.

    not only that, but i think its strange that in the time the pyramids were built by who ever.......half way across the WORLD in a time where this travel wasnt discovered, we have similar buildings and it must be coincidence that they created similar things.......i bet if you had two chimps build a structure from blocks they would both create pyramids. (sarcasm)

    we also know our ancestors were smart etc. its amazing how people say, oh, dont insult their intelligence by saying they cannot build a b c....but its ok and not hypocritical to say that all their drawings and hieroglyphics of machines, gods (extra terrestrials)  and spacecraft are just hobby and fantasy.......that is extreme hypocrisy. our ancestors drew what they seen. fact! now you do the adding up.

    so, i really find all this stuff interesting. puma punku is CLEARLY evidence of ancient machinery! 

    whether you believe that:

    other worldly visitors were behind the foundations of it (as they are linked everywhere in pyramids in the Mayans and the huge drawings and runways in mountains in peru and countless other things )

    or whether you believe that somehow our ancestors had machinery with diamond or a substance or tool harder or as hard as diamond at their disposal...... doesn't matter.............

    FACT is, this has, will and always will blow alot of peoples minds. whether you think its nonsense or not , it WILL make you think and question. but one thing is for sure. to just ignore it and accept the mainstream view is naive.

    we have evidence of the extra ordinary infront of us, hard cold , we have REAL evidence that people cannot say is made up or inaccurate or is nonsense. because it lies at the top of a mountain for the thousands of people who visit it every year.

    its truly amazing how we have real evidence, yet it is still not enough for people. i.e  it never will be.


    i enjoy these topics as they are interesting and make you wonder. i hope others have enjoyed reading and possibly watching videos on youtube etc about it. it truely is amazing. 


    • 856 posts
    June 23, 2012 7:15 PM EDT

    Well, first off - I'm not sure where you get you facts.  It doesn't take diamonds to cut diorite - although diamonds are the hardest mineral on earth, so it would make the job easier. Diorite is a rock - not a mineral.  It is a very hard rock.  But, a rock's hardness is dependant on its minerals.  Diorite's chief minerals are Feldspar (hardness = 6.5), Hornblende (hardness=6), Pyroxenes (depends on actual variety, but around 6), Biotite mica (3).  So all you need is a mineral above 6.5 to cut it...not just diamond.  For example Quartz is 7, and is very common.  Corundum is 9. There's many minerals with a hardness above 7.  Diorite also has a homogeneous structure and can be polished to remove imperfections with sandpaper (120 grit, then 240 works fine) - quartz sand would work as well.  That would explain the smoothness.  It also can be dissolved/weakened with acid - although, admittedly it takes a strong acid, and prolonged exposure.

    Diorite is very difficult to cut, yes.  Diorite was frequently used for inscriptions, because it is easier to carve into, rather than carve a 3 dimensional object - although it's not impossible.  What do your pictures show?, diorite carved into....I'm actually more impressed with diorite sculptures, rare but they do exist.

    Secondly, the pyramid shape is a simple structure.  Building a tall structure straight up, is an amazing feat (as are many of today's skyscrapers), but having it taper as you go up just adds to it's stability - and is a logical step.  Early man must have figured out very early that if you put something down, and put something bigger on top, and something bigger yet again, it will topple over.  But if you do the opposite, it stands.  If you truly examine the pyramids from around the world, you'll see that not only are there similarities, but differences as well.

    I am familiar with the objects you mentioned.  And truly, they are works of art - and much of their construction is a bit of a mystery.  But assuming it is built by aliens is a bit more naive - humans have been carving stones for over 100 thousand years.  Give us some credit.

    Edit:  Oh, as an added note, I'm not ruling out the possibility of extra-terrestrial life visiting earth.  I just don't consider this solid evidence.  Actually, I hope you're proven right - I would love to see conclusive evidence of ET life on earth.  (I would like to see an actual alien device, such as an electronic tool, a laser, or some such).


    • 28 posts
    June 23, 2012 8:32 PM EDT

    I've never been convinced by the Ancient Astronaut theories, I've watched the History Channel programmes and read Chariots of the Gods but, as much as appreciate the theories, nothing has yet to convince me. My only problem has always been if aliens travelled all the way to Earth, millions of miles, why would they build in stone? Why use something clearly inferior to what they obviously must have had in hand? I just don't understand that part although I really would love it if we found out they had visited; proof that there's more out there and that'd be something amazing.

    • 377 posts
    June 24, 2012 3:14 AM EDT

    Runered makes some very important points regarding points regarding stone craving and should be noted. And Rob makes and excellent point that a more evolved species would not use inferior materials.

    Personally I'm more boggled by the construction feats of the Stonehenge, Egyptian pyramids, and Machu Picchu.

    Also - The ancient american civilizations ( Mayan, Aztec, Inca) devotion and knowledge to the study of astrology is also very impressive and note worthy.

    • 28 posts
    June 24, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

    The one thing that I've always kind of thought of as better evidence of Ancient Astronauts is, and I forget their name, a tribe in Africa who claim their Gods come from a group of stars which are impossible to see with the naked eye. Unless this tribe had access to telescopes or contact with aliens I've always been unsure as to how they would have this knowledge...but who knows eh?

    • 856 posts
    June 24, 2012 10:40 AM EDT

    That one is a bit confusing.  I read about this quite some time ago (20+years).  If memory serves, the system is a binary star, and they know of how the stars orbit each other.  I would like to see some independant studies on this tribe; just to verify it isn't some type of hoax, or to see if they were visited by explorers w/ telescopes a couple of centuries, or so, ago.  It would also be necessary to test if both stars are visible to the naked eye under ideal conditions (clear night, no humidity, high altitude, no light pollution and good eyes).   So I think we have four reasonable hypotheses here:  (1)  they were actually visited by aliens (2) it is a hoax of some sort  (3) their information came from explorers w/ telescopes up to a few centuries ago, and (4) the stars are actually visible to someone w/ keen eyes and ideal conditions.

    • 297 posts
    June 24, 2012 10:59 AM EDT

    I think you guys would enjoy prometheus it basicdally explains a lot of this stuff,

    But just like this it is all fiction (good movie though)

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 11:14 AM EDT

    First, why would they drag a bunch of stones up a mountain, who says that those buildings aren't carved out of rocks that where already there.

    Second, there is a lot we don't know about tribes like these, most knowledge about them is not yet discovered so they could have had some pretty smart tools nobody else had and we just don't know about it yet.

    Third, they usually build pyramids because this is a relatively easy shape to create if you want to build something high and big, especially during that time period.

    This will all be cold hard evidence to me if they find a genuine alien corpse there or some of that crazy alien tech you're talking about. But as long as I don't see those, I will just assume that humans are inventive and smart, like they are.

    • 856 posts
    June 24, 2012 12:16 PM EDT

    I agree with most of your points, Dieter.  However, it is quite simple to tell whether or not the structures were built out of existing rocks.  Any geologist would be able to look at the rock strata and make that determination.  As to why?... Why do we do a lot of things we do?

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 12:19 PM EDT

    Yes, but he tells us they can't be dragged up there, so I suggest that they where probarly already there. He didn't tell us that that's not possible so then that was the most logical explanation to me.

    • 668 posts
    June 24, 2012 4:10 PM EDT

    More than likely, Rune we are all E.T.'s as our primitive ancestry more than likely fell from the stars to seed Earth after the planet began cooling. The first living creature than swam the ocean no doubt was seeded by the stars.

    Ancient structures are indeed a fascinating topic and there are many  wonders in the ancient world. Have you all seen this most recent discovery? Easter Island Statues are not just heads.

    • 28 posts
    June 24, 2012 5:46 PM EDT

    I didn't enjoy Prometheus, it just seemed a bit slow to me. Great visuals and great story but just not enough happening in the first half; actually thought I was the one in cryo hah.

    • 297 posts
    June 24, 2012 5:57 PM EDT

    thats too bad man,

    i liked it though it's more the pacing of the original alien movie which may go over some peoples heads who didnt know the original ridley epic,

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:02 PM EDT

    sorry i should have explained what i wrote abit more...........i believe (without reading over) that i did say no trees were found up there, and i did say that the nearest quarry was 10 miles away?

    i think you can figure it out from spell it out and also i think i should have just said this.

    there were no rocks up there, i said that only grass grows........i meant that the only thing found up there was basic grasses in bolivia and maybe the odd bush.

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:03 PM EDT

    for me..that just makes it even more interesting.

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:06 PM EDT

    Still, maybe the only stones there where the ones they used and that's why they found no other stones, that makes sense to me, more sense than aliens atleast.

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:08 PM EDT

    i liked the sound of it the way it said we would discover our origin etc..i thought FINALLY a movie is going to educate and FINALLY identify the annunaki etc etc to EVERYONE who watches. and deservedly so.........

    then i seen the trailer and thought........damn. dissapointing. however i havent seen it yet so il obviously fairly judge when i watch it

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:09 PM EDT

    Movies are a terrible source of information, if you want people to take something serious it shouldn't be some movie or discovery documentary.

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:11 PM EDT

    not just aliens i mentioned advanced technology in ancient of course its going to make more sense than aliens lol.

    well im going to believe the scientists and geologists etc that have said fact is no rocks are there. and this is further supported by the rest of the mountain just having grass. 

    i think you only have to look at the rocks as proof. yes maybe it was done by hand and tools (dont believe) but if you actually see it or watch a video of it the perfection of it is breath taking. and the fact that alot of the rocks have perfect symmetry in their carving.......makes it clear to wasnt done by human hand....but by technology / machine / something we dont know. 

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:15 PM EDT

    Aztec city's where more amazing to me, so big, imposant and made by man. And again, not everyone who calls himself a scientist is one, many of these people are self proclaimed scientist, because they think they have a lot of experience.

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:25 PM EDT

    Naw i agree with you there, some scientists....arent scientists like you said, but the ones that have claimed this are, and the fact remains that even if they arent scientists, that no rocks originate there, and you only have to look at the rest of the mountain as proof.

    to "drag" an 800 tonne..........800 tonne! do you realise the sheer weight of that! can a crane lift that?.....probably i dont know clearly lol........up a 4000m mountain where NO trees grow to help with transport....(maybe they had prepared and brought transport methods) and then carve into it with unbelievable accuracy into several different blocks EXACTLY the same in a stone that could only be easily carved into by diamond tipped tools........sorry, i believe our ancestors were smart....clearly they were. but they were not robots. not even modern machines could emulate this place with such accuracy.

    that in itself makes it amazing. it leaves you wondering how they did it. but admit it! also leaves you questioning further......wondering what if

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:31 PM EDT

    Well, yes cranes can lift that, and a big bunch of people too with the right techniques, obviously this isn't a one day job but possible for humans to do. The indians that lived there used to live in very big city's and where pretty smart and advanced so they could have really build it and moved those stones there.

    • 16 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:35 PM EDT

    Very interesting, I had seen something about it in History Channel but didn't pay any attention... I am reading a book, titled "Were the gods astronauts?" which presents a good theory about our existence... It may sound a bit naive at some points but nowadays we only believe what we were told since children so... You have to read it with your mind open... By the way... The map of Piri Reis (Dunno if it's the same name in English) - It's an ancient map that presents the complete map of the globe, as if it were seen from above the earth from space, given the fact that it is a bit curved, it matches the nowadays maps, and not only that, it has also some pattern from the deep sea, that is only possible to be seen with sonar equipments, and in the ancient map it shows the sea really really deep lol.Oh my I wonder if I will ever make it to know the truth of our existence, I do hope so, as it is extremely interesting to me .

    • 238 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:51 PM EDT

    you have reminded me of something! a map that showed everything of our world....the continents entire map of the world. the map originated in a time before nearly all of the places where discovered.......and it was incredibly accurately drawn. maybe this is what your talking about? 

    i mena come on! how much more proof do we need. im sorry , but i really REALLY do believe that extra terestrials visited our earth, and helped us improve by teaching or using their technology. HENCE it explains the drawings and why we have gods, and then everything else belonging to ancient alien visitors seems to fit together. it makes perfect sense and it perfectly explains everything.

    I SERIOUSLY do not understand why people think this is so far-fetched.....we live in an ultimately big universe, think of the amount of life out there. its easily possible for life to visit here.........i believe that i truely do and i think thats a fair belief because of certain objects buildings and writtings and "proof".

    its when it comes to this thing where ancient astronauts created us.......AGAIN it makes sense, but i really dont like it, and i dont believe it. theres alot saying that we were created in the annunakis image (alien beings) they took our dna and fused it with theirs to create what we are now.......and to be fair it doesnt help that our dna is so indifferent to everything else alive .......but i still dont believe that part.

    but it is def so painfully obvious that ancient aliens were here on earth and aided man kind in many ways. why is that so impossible, when you think about our universe you will realise its not.

    • 952 posts
    June 24, 2012 6:54 PM EDT

    We live in an ultimately bug universe, and that's why the odd that aliens stumble upon us are so small that the chance is as good as unexisting.