D.K.R. Year 6 Alpha Part 1 Purging The Blood

  • Hasir turned the doorknob and was about to open the door when Ocheeva came up from behind him and dragged him by his arm 

    over to a boarded up well near the rear of the house and sat him on the edge of it,

    "Hasir, there is something I may have neglected to tell you, how do I put this? erm... ah yes, I have been snooping in Vicente's room

    and I found some, er, disturbing things."


    The Argonian felt his stomach doing somersaults,

    "What did you find? anything useful?" He asked


    The female Argonian sighed, setting her bag down next to her, as she rummaged into it and removed two notes and a diary entitled

    The Most Loyal Servant of Molag Bal". She handed the notes and diary over to Hasir, 

    "I found these in Vicente's room." She said, patting the ministack of the book and notes with one scaled hand, "I don't know what

    you'll find in there but I heard Vicente talking with M'raaj Daar about Molag's plan to wipe out all lycanthropes because he felt they

    were responsible for soiling the otherwise pureblood vampire bloodline."


    Hasir stared at her mouth agape,

    "What? that foul feline had a part in this!?"


    Ocheeva told him that from her hiding spot, she saw the khajiit had the same pointed fangs and pinkish-red eyes as the Imperial

    vampire. She told the Argonian, whose fists were balled up in rage, that when Vicente and the khajiit exited the dungeon room, she

    slipped in, lockpicked Vicente's dresser drawer and there, under dark brotherhood robes were two worn notes presumably belonging

    from M'raaj Daar as well as a diary next to it; she grabbed them and left the sanctuary inperceptibly though the secret entrance.


    Hasir looked at her, in stunned silence; his tail banging against the wooden cover,

    "Was there anything or anyone else in the room?"


    Ocheeva frowned, concentrating hard on the scene she had seen in the sanctuary. She turned to Hasir, opened her mouth, closed it

    and opened it again. faintly remembering that there was a black khajiit in the room; in it's eyes she saw the very fires of Oblivion.

    She could hear the conversation they had had in Vicente's room as if it had happened a day before. Hasir asked her what this

    conversation was about. She sighed, not wanted to relive that horrible night hiding behind the door to her room.


    Hasir gave her a wondering look. She took a deep breath as she recounted the coversation,

    "When I was in the sanctuary some days ago, I overheard Vicente talking with two other creatures, only one of which I recognized. I

    had to retreat to my room and hid behind the door closest to Vicente's room which lay a floor below mine and heard them talking

    in low voices about the task laid out for them by Molag Bal." Hasir lifted his head from his hands and asked her what the particular

    task was. She lifted a finger and pressed it to her lips, signalling him to be quiet.


    He apologized and fell silent once more. She pressed on with her tale,

    "The task they were about to do was simple: Vicente told the other two creatures that the prince of domination wanted them to rid-"

    Hasir said exhasperatedly that he already heard this, She sighed again, "I then heard the newest arrival, one I hadn't met yet speak

    up and said that he was tasked with securing the pureness of the vampires.


    Again, Hasir interrupted her saying how he already knew that and did not much like being reminded of that fact over and over again

    like he was some inept hatchling. Ocheeva glared at him with a white-hot intensity and this forced the Argonian to be quiet yet



    Hasir looked at her with wide eyes, fearing the worst, though he did not know what that was,

    "Who was this creature? the one with fiery eyes?" He asked, his tail relaxed like a great snake behind him


    Ocheeva told him that she had exited her hiding place and crept along the corridor, down the steps toward Vicente's room and heard

    the conversation much clearer, She closed her eyes as if to relive that moment again.


    She let her mind drift back to the moment,

    "Khajiit, what do you propose we do? kill every fucking werewolf on Tamriel? it can't be done." Vicente said, shocked.


    The black khajiit huffed in imaptience while his eyes flash bright red,

    "Patience friend, that is all I ask, all will be revealed when the time is right." The fiery eyed khajiit said. A gruff voice chimed in

    forcing Ocheeva to press her ear to the door to fully understand the speaker, "Doomstrider, please tell us what you have found out

    from our lord."


    The doomstrider voiced his pleasure in hearing this,

    "Thank you, M'raaj, as I was saying, werewolves are connected to mother nature, right?" The Breton and Khajiit looked at each other

    with blank expressions.


    Unseen by the room's three occupants, Ocheeva tried the door's latch, and seeing how easily the door indented inward. She slipped

    inside and snuck behind a chest in the corner. The black khajiit groaned, "Kynareth, I am talking about Kynareth." He said, shooting

    them a nasty look through his fingers. 


    He continued as if he was not surrounded by idiots but instead people who knew what in Oblivion he was talking about,

    "All we have to do is poison the Eldergleam, a tree that resides in Skyrim, once that tree is dead, trees and grass will die, cutting off

    the werewolves' food supply, thus killing of all the werewolves and thereby purifying the bloodline."  


    Again, they looked at each other dumbfounded; The doomstrider eyed them both, his reddish eyes scalding them with its gaze,

    "Idiots, the werewolves' food supply, deer and all other animals that feast on Kynareth's bounty will be dead." He yelled, forcing the

    idiots to scurry away from him in fright.


    The female Argonian's hand flew to her lips, muffling any sound of agitation she may have made so as to not alert the other three

    creatures of her presence,

    "Yeah, okay, we get it, all plantlife will die if we poison this 'eldergleam' but I sense one giant loophole that you may have not

    noticed." M'raaj said, outraged, "what if the werewolves learn to adapt. What if they eat non-meat products like berries, cabbage and

    carrots along with other vegetables?"


    The doomstrider angrily strode over and slapped M'raaj Daar, causing him to sit on his tail as he fell to the ground; as he rolled on

    the floor, yowling in pain, the doomstrider sneered at him,

    "Foolish feline, werewolves don't eat berries and fruits, how dumb do you think I am?"


    The tannish-orange khajiit unsheathed his dagger and ran, teeth gritted and eyes narrowed, at the black khajiit; The doomstrider

    quickly sidestepped this attack and muttered some words as his clawed hands erupted in purple flame. The yellow khajiit sped past,

    hardly knowing that the khajiit quickly dodged his deadly attack until he heard a dull thump as the blade embedded itself deep into

    the wood grain of the bookshelf.


    M'raaj Daar's eyes went wide as he finally came out of his drunken rage; seeing the blade embedded in the wood, he screwed his

    face up as he tried to extract the blade. He tried again and again until the blade of the dagger finally came free. He grinned slyly and

    turned to face the black khajiit,

    "Very impressive." He said amused. "You learned Whispering Fang, yes? who did you learn it from I wonder?" He asked curiously. 


    The khajiit flew towards him, pinning M'raaj Daar fast to the dresser that sat by the door. The khajiit struggled again the vice-like

    grip of the Doomstrider,

    "Just...who are you?" M'raaj asked trying desperately to break free of the furious khajiit's claw as it drew blood from M'raaj's throat.

    The khajiit grinned evilly and called some of the purple flame to the hand that wasn't holding the terrified khajiit, bringing it

    within an inch from the khajiit's face, "I am what you see nothing more. Just a feline servant of Molag Bal, more than I can say for

    you." He said, red eyes bearing into the scared khajiit's blue ones.


    The yellow khajiit in the headband gulped, quickly losing a lot of his confidence he had earlier,

    "I-I'm s-sorry, but I d-don't know what you mean." He said as his entire body shook, causing the black khajiit to laugh mercilessly


    The doomstrider sneered as he studied the khajiit hungrily as a wolf would study his prey before sinking his teeth in its flesh,

    "Oh you poor, poor deluded housecat." He said, shaking his head in exhasberation, "I know you've forsaken Molag Bal for someone

    else? Sithis perhaps?" He asked, stroking his chin


    The yellow khajiit started to say that he did serve Sithis and that he was a better deity than Molag Bal will ever be. M'raaj saw the

    purplish black fire erupted from the black khajiit's hand, M'raaj went wide eyed and started to scuttle crablike across the floor when

    the flash of blue flame shot from the Doomstrider's outstretched hand, which he had thurst into M'raaj's stomach causing him

    to scream as he was instantly enveloped by the bluish-black flame. The khajiit screamed bloody murder as he writhed and twisted

    in agony. The fire climbed higher until all that was left was a blackened skeleton laying on the floor, mouth open in a silent scream

    and front arm still outstretched as if trying to grasp something.


    Ocheeva looked on, eyes wide in horror as she saw the late khajiit's soul get absorbed into a black soul gem the the khajiit

    summoned in his right hand. Ocheeva ran out of the room, fighting the urge to throw up. She did not see the soul pass through the

    black crystalline structure of the soul gem, trapping it effectively.