Recent Entries

  • What We Leave Behind (Explicit Language and Graphic Imagery)

    Return to TOC        3:27 pm. Saturday. October 23rd. 2077. It's weird how much our minds like to play games with us. Wonder what it is. What part of our programming makes us try to find meaning in things? Anything. Everything. 3:27 pm. Woke up at 7:23 this morning. Waking up again at 3:27 the aft...
  • 9:47 am (Explicit Language)

         Return to TOC      Look at the clock. 7:23 am. It's Saturday. Why? Why is there any reason to be awake at such an ungodly hour on a Saturday? Jill's still sound asleep. She got home later than usual last night. Some sort of meeting. Wasn't happy about how it all went. Kept her up. Didn't press...