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Frost Lizard

MAW's Album: My Photos

  • DinecT
    DinecT As I was going to kill Paarthurnax (I've never done the blades questline, wanted to give it a shot), an ancient dragon attacked and Paarthurnax and the other dragon on the Throat of the World both helped me kill it. Completely changed my opinion on Paarth...  more
    April 4, 2013
  • David Mayer
    David Mayer Can u not kill paathurnax but still be with the blades?
    April 4, 2013
  • DinecT
    DinecT No, you can't. If you enter Sky Haven Temple before killing Parrthurnax, you're considered a trespasser. If you take anything it's considered stealing, but they also wont kick you out.
    April 4, 2013