Photo 39 of 66 in My Photos

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The Whet-Fang Rises

Todd's Album: My Photos

  • Zuper
    Zuper I hate these pictures! XD I don't think the game deserves 15 dollars a month plus the initial price for what it is. It's way too buggy from what I have heard, and the whole pre-order-and-we-throw-every single-one-of-the-rules-we made-about-races-out-the-w...  more
    May 12, 2014
  • Tae-Rai
    Tae-Rai "From what you heard"... I think everyone who bitches that it's buggy or is lore-breaking needs to sit down and play it before they judge it
    May 12, 2014
  • Vileo Sufora
    Vileo Sufora Most of the bugs are even gone already. I don't know what people are still moaning about. I've run into a total of two bugged quests in the entirety of the Aldmeri Dominion, and I'm level 50 now. Suck it up guys, the game is worth it. 
    May 12, 2014
  • Ponty
    Ponty Yeah, pretty much. I did have my doubts at first but I played during the beta and really liked it. There's a tiny bit of hand-waving with lore but it doesn't detract from the game at all in my opinion.
    May 12, 2014