Photo 21 of 134 in My Photos

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Zorhgigoth and his New Friend just chatting

ShyGuyWolf's Album: My Photos

  • Veloth the Prophet
    Veloth the Prophet It's the Necklace of Lara Dorren who was the ancestor of Ciri and the beginning of the lineage of the Elder Blood. 
    August 24, 2015
  • Borommakot
    Borommakot I thought this was a Witcher 3 screenshot (not just for the outfit).
    August 24, 2015
  • Teccam
    Teccam Nah Eggy, there are a lot of mods affecting my game's appearance. Pretty much none of the character assets are vanilla. Beyond the character mods (I'm running about a dozen, maybe more, which I can list if you want), there's ENB, which probably makes the ...  more
    August 25, 2015
  • Librari the Wizard
    Librari the Wizard No More Ugly Bronze Shine has probably made the biggest impact on the quality of my character screenshots.
    August 25, 2015