Photo 79 of 137 in My Photos

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A mother's grief...

Chris's Album: My Photos

  • DxTr
    DxTr Its definitely Dwemer architecture. That explains the resemblance to the Aetherium Forge. What armor can you make here?
    May 4, 2014
  • Spectre
    Spectre Red Mountain where the hear of Lorkhan was worked on?
    May 4, 2014
  • Ponty
    Ponty I don't think it's actually specified where it is but judging from what it looked like outside I'd say it's Morrowind or Skyrim somewhere. It's used in a level 25 Fighter's Guild quest to reforge an ancient weapon used by the Ayleids against the forces of...  more
    May 4, 2014
  • Vileo Sufora
    Vileo Sufora Last time I was there, I checked my location on the Tamriel map and it was right... here.
    On-topic, I love Dwemer ruins, despite the violent machinations. This one is pretty awesome though.
    May 4, 2014