Photo 18 of 21 in Wall Photos

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Just finished this- one of My husband’s Christmas gifts.

ilanisilver's Album: Wall Photos

  • Justiciar Thorien
    Justiciar Thorien I think there's nothing bad in religion as long as it helps you be a better person, and I like to learn about religions too. But when instead of making one better and kinder religion turns one into a monster, that's disgusting.
    I have met only one atheist...  more
    December 15, 2018
  • Chris
    Chris Yeah, I mean, I'm fairly devout, but I'm rather disgusted by the nutjobs like the Westboro Baptists or those asshats who believe Christians should take up arms and "reclaim the nation for God"
    December 15, 2018
  • Chris
    Chris How dafuq did we go from Die Hard vent shaft to religion? I mean, I remember one incident where I was playing Payday 2 and helping make meth, and we got into a discussion on the pros and cons of Communism, but still
    December 15, 2018
  • ilanisilver
    ilanisilver Lol. Christmas brings out the crazy in all of us, I guess! I had a discussion about this with friends the other day, why people get so militant about things, whether religion, diet, politics, what have you. Human nature is a squirrelly thing.
    December 15, 2018