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I dealt with the “Karliah walks away” glitch last night, and that sucked. I finally figured out if I Shouted her back toward the chain, she’d go ahead and pull it instead of wandering out of Nightingale Hall. But this glitch is awesome. No dragon’s coming out, but this beacon of zombie-dragon energy just hangs around forever.

ilanisilver's Album: Wall Photos

  • ilanisilver
    ilanisilver I was very close to rage quitting myself. I’d already attacked her to try to get her to snap out of it, and when that didn’t work, I remembered the shouts. Yeah, Fus worked. I had to shout a few times because she kept getting stuck on the stairs, but once...  more
    September 12, 2018 - 1 likes this
  • Paws
    Paws That's some impressive zombie-dragon energy. Even rebooting doesn't rid the world of it? I take it that there is also a perpetual thunderstorm around that area? Cool stuff like that never happens to me. I only ever get boring glitches.
    September 12, 2018 - 1 likes this
  • A-Pocky-Hah!
    A-Pocky-Hah! This reminds me of the time I had to revert back to an old save after I encountered a bug which didn't allow me to progress through the Thieves' Guild questline. Since then I had to save every 30 minutes to avoid having to do things all over again. I thin...  more
    September 12, 2018
  • ilanisilver
    ilanisilver Yeah, I get this one and the mammoth rain. Fun times!

    That was my Karliah glitch. Oh crap, I was so mad, since I just did NOT want to deal with Mercer Frey all over again. I hate that guy. I’ve also had a glitch where Alduin doesn’t show up in the scen...  more
    September 12, 2018 - 1 likes this