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Andoriel Greenleaf
Name: Andoriel Greenleaf
Race: Bosmer
Age: 221
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Birthplace: Valenwood
Birth Sign: The Thief
Occupation: Ranger/Forest Guardian
Religion: The "old ways" of the wood elves; a religious system undocumented by the Empire of Tamriel.
Personality traits: Courageous, secretive, compassionate, reclusive, deeply spiritual, very protective of the woods.
Trivia: She's crossed the path of the mercenary Grimulin more than once, and has since come to see him as her truest rival (seeing as how he himself is a Bosmer who disregards the natural world and lives the life of a drunken, amoral mercenary with absolutely no sense of ethics or fair play).
Backstory: Born in Valenwood, Andoriel was raised in a very traditional Bosmeri family whose belief system revolved around the spirituality of Nirn itself; in their eyes, all life was connected to each other and all life was to be treated with equal respect and reverence. Her favorites in particular were always trees; she saw them as onlookers of the ages, ancient and wise beyond the years of all who lived in Tamriel. Because of this spiritual connection with the very fabric of Nirn, Andoriel even managed to find peace with the dreaded Spriggans of the wilderness, whom she came to regard as neighbors and even friends.
She was not an only child; her brother Halindor was born just three years before her, although he was not so keen on embracing the faith of his family. He appreciated the natural world around him well enough, but did not connect with it in the same way that his sibling did. Despite this, the two of them were very close friends... until the day when the Aldmeri Dominion took charge over Valenwood and began drafting Bosmer warriors into their ranks. Halindor was eager to serve under the banner of the Thalmor, and quickly rose through the ranks as a Justiciar; for many years he fought savagely against humankind, cruelly interrogating prisoners of war and laying waste to entire families before ultimately perishing at the hands of Imperial forces in Cyrodiil. (It has been rumored that Grimulin was in fact responsible for Halindor's death, since at around this time the assassin had betrayed the Dominion in favor of the Legion's superior cash reward and they required someone with a particular set of skills to handle this specific Justiciar) The cruelty of her brother's war crimes and his subsequent honoring by the Thalmor convinced Andoriel that to partake in the world of societal politics meant submitting one's self to vile and wicked people who would drain all the goodness from one's very soul... and as the Dominion strengthened its grip on Valenwood, she decided to turn her back on society altogether if it could do nothing but obsess over death and destruction and war.
Seeking to get away from the "First War with the Empire", Andoriel traveled north -- FAR north, all the way into Skyrim where she resides today in Falkreath Hold. However, it seems that war has followed her all the way to the very top of Tamriel itself, as now the Legion wages a civil conflict with Ulfric Stormcloak's rebel militia. Whether or not Andoriel will take part in the civil war remains to be seen, although it is unlikely; instead she is far more content to live peacefully in the forest, protecting the woods from such threats as bandits, poachers, and the occasional dragon. Due to her secretive nature, however, the local townsfolk have mistakenly begun to whisper about a "guardian spirit" looking out for the poor and defenseless who wander through the wilderness of Falkreath. Andoriel has become quite fond of these rumors, and has come to regard herself as the personal protector of the Hold.

(Full and more detailed profile is pending)

MarkusMasterThief's Album: Wall Photos