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Character Building Help Desk

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  • Member
    June 16, 2016

    Three I reckon, shows a bit of commitment to the idea, so that's probably enough.

  • Member
    June 16, 2016
    I've had a hankering to play a pure archer and FINALLY figure out some of the Advanced Archery Corner techniques. I want to incorporate Alchemy into the build, but my Alchemy-fu is WEAK, and it doesn't make sense for me to do hours of research when there is a trove of knowledge here. The question is this: what are the best/most useful poisons you've come across for a pure archer build that are (a) vanilla friendly (scrub request), and (b) fairly easy to get a hold of (no kidney stones from a unicorn or Chuck Norris tears, just the stuff you'll often run across as you wander). Thanks, folks :D
  • Member
    June 16, 2016
    "Kidney stones from a unicorn or chuck norris tears" XD my particular favorite poison is the stalwart paralysis, imp stool+swamp fungal pod. I know you could enchant the bow with paralysis or try and rely on the bullseye perk, but the poison in my opinion is more reliable in a pinch
  • June 16, 2016

    All th poisons listed in my Poison Widow build. 

  • June 21, 2016

    So I've decided that until I begin to properly flesh out some of the more questionable Ideas I have for some of the Daedric Champion Builds I have floating in my head I'll hold off on the current one I have in storage... which I also probs won't touch until I get done with DOOM, so in the meantime I'll take this moment to start brainstorming ideas.

    So would it be alright if I just started listing ideas I had for some of the Daedric Champions?

  • Member
    June 21, 2016
    For the build I'm working on, I tried to do the ring of namira/ill met by moonlight glitch. It's not working for me. I've seen some people saying it's patched, others saying it still works but you have to do things in a certain order, and others saying it only still works on PS4. I checked the list of bugs fixed by all of the patches ever released but don't see this bug specifically mentioned anywhere. This is a little monkey wrench in what I was planning so I was wondering if you guys could help with a few questions. 1. Has this bug officially been patched for XBox 360? If not, how do you get it to work? 2. If you equip the ring, eat some flesh, and then take it off do the health related boosts stay active (obviously the extra stamina goes away)? If so this could be my work around, going werewolf and glitching 2 rings on at the same time just doesn't fit my build.
  • Member
    June 21, 2016

    For whatever reason, that glitch only works with the Dragonborn DLC rings nowadays, so no Ring of Namira.

  • Member
    June 21, 2016

    If you want to, sure.

  • Member
    June 21, 2016
    Would alteration (other than flesh spells) be useful for a thief/assassin?
  • Member
    June 21, 2016
    Booooo. Oh well, toggle it is. Hopefully not too much of a pain, it's a long lasting effect so it shouldn't be. Thank you!