
55 results found
"Night of Tears" A Falmer's Account

   Long before the atmoran descendents would come to know it as the "Night of Tears", we would know it as the "Night of Shame".
   I stood with my brethren atop the cliffs overlooking this city, blossiming with life in an eternal winter. My heart would fl...

I've been thinking about the atmoran\Nordic Gods recently and how the lore doesn't do much to describe how the atmorans viewed them. I don't know as much about Nordic lore as I probably should but I'm going to list some of the gods and how I think they wo...

The Second Rise of Torban Valund

Wisened old hands rested on the stone. Eyes closed, the atmoran bent his weary back to place his lips on the dusty crypt, and whispered.
Built by his Grandfather, the tomb already looked ancient. Hand carved walls, ceiling and pillars gave the place an ai...

TamrielVault - Character Build: Sister-Hawk

Skyrim and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions, and more! This is an homage build designed to bring Paul England's atmoran Totem Character Builds into the light I think they deserve. For those not familiar, Paul ran a series of 9 builds

Paul England also has a build based on the atmoran Dragon Totem here:

There is another called The Nord Warmage: