Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Rajhin... Thief God

Tags: #Character Build Thief  #Character Build Rogue  #Character Build Unarmed  #Race:Khajiit  #Rank:Mythic  #ShinJin Build 
  • August 29, 2015

    Yeah, get it together old man. You even missed my latest build. 

  • Member
    August 29, 2015
    Crap! Really? I'm a bit backlogged on reading builds, but yours usually cut right up to the front... I'll rectify that immediately. AAAAAAND I just remembered that this isn't an event build. Be back in a bit... gotta fix something (SO stupid xD)
  • Member
    August 29, 2015
    Woo hoo... Exemplar! :D
  • August 29, 2015

    Really Im just glad to see you around the vault more often. 

  • Member
    September 4, 2015

    Loooove it! Those aesthetics are very pleasing to this one, which surprises me because I've always hated the elongation on the top rear of the ebony gauntlets but it looks really good here. The Ring of Khajiiti is one of my favorite artifacts but I've always found it strange that it's been gifted by both Mephala and Meridia. I mean Mephala makes sense but Meridia? Either way, Rajhin has an awesome story and deserved a resurrection. I think Restoration was an interesting choice but it's also very practical as an unarmed/unarmored cat-guy. It's just too bad we can't enchant gauntlets with an offensive enchantment on strike!

  • Member
    September 4, 2015

    Thanks, Al!

    Yeah, I found myself scratching my head with the whole Meridia thing, but I'm not very strong in my lore, so I just figured I missed something. And I've also often found myself lamenting that fact that you can't get offensive enchants on gauntlets; cloak spells are as close as you can get to passive damage for Unarmed--why does Bethesda hate Unarmed now?

  • Member
    September 6, 2015
    I think it was easily the least popular choice of close combat in the past but once it wasn't a skill everyone threw a fit lol. Us Elder Scrollians love our options and I'll be damned if Bethesda tries to streamline them anymore.
  • Member
    September 6, 2015

    Guilty as charged... totally ignored it in Oblivion (may have even described it as "stupid") xD

    I wasn't kidding about your Quarra Clan build... had it not been for that (and Raidriar Never Dies' Berne Clan, I probably would not have bothered with it in Skyrim either.

  • November 23, 2015
    Holy crap, that picture with he half white, half back khajiit writing someone's adress down looks sick! Anyways, besides that, the build is freaking awesome. Finally someone understands the sheer awesomeness of sneaky khajiits! +1
  • Member
    November 24, 2015

    Thanks, Sms! :D

    I wish I could remember where I found the image of that back and white Khajiit... it's a great screenshot, and it would be nice to give credit where credit is due.

    It's funny, but I don't think I fully got the concept of Khajiit till I read about Rajhin in the lore section. I mean, I always got the idea that Khajiit = sneaky, but never bothered to ask why... a little bit of lore does a whole lot to change one's appreciation for elements in this game, and I think "sheer awesomeness of sneaky Khajiits" is a fantastic way to describe them ;D