Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Dragonguard

Tags: #Rank:Recognized 
  • May 5, 2013
  • May 5, 2013

    Smithing: The sharper your hammer the more cut up your enemies face will be. When your armor is really tight it constrains blood to your head and keeps it in vital places, like your biceps, which you use for swinging that sharpened hammer.

  • May 5, 2013
  • May 5, 2013
    Ok, the truth then... I don't want to edit it again is because I won't be able to tell where to start and what to delete... With all of the HTML code covering the screen, I'm worried I'll delete something crucial... I also can't add anything cause it wouldn't be formatted correctly
  • May 5, 2013
    I just used all of that as an excuse cause I know if I try to add or change anything it would look terrible
  • May 5, 2013
    What is this "on site editor"? When ever I try to edit or add a new discussion, it has to be in HTML or it doesn't appear correctly
  • May 5, 2013
    I don't have that on my iPad... I have yellow box... And that's it
  • May 5, 2013
    I have to post in HTML, or don't post at all
  • May 5, 2013

    It's the same on my IPod, but after waiting a while it loaded up.

  • May 5, 2013
    No, you don't get it, it won't appear, it doesn't exist. All I have is this box and that's it. There are no tabs unless I go on my computer, which can't turn on