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Character Building Help Desk

Tags: #Help Desk  #Crucial Discussion 
  • Member
    October 18, 2016

    Noodles said:

    Blooded said:

    Does a build centered around the Equilibrium spell sound viable? Like using it as a sort of sacrifice to fuel your power. Or does it seem like there's no real way it could work very well? (For the record, I am unaware if any such thing exists already.)

    Ow yeah... Search the site for the potent equilibrium glitch.

    Well...that looks like an awesome build, and I'm glad to know that the spell can actually be used like that. Luckily, my idea is very different from that build. More of a nature type build. And while The Thwilight of Meridia seemed to be able to cancel out the health drain pretty well, I was thinking of using it more as the chacracter's main weakness. And I'll make sure to check out that glitch.

    Thanks, Noodles, for letting me know my dreams for this build aren't dead!

  • October 18, 2016

    I need some assistance, guys. I'm working on my fourth build, and fifth builds, and I'm hoping to do something special for this first one; hopefully able to make another build using the Bound Bow stand out amongst the masses. I've looked at the Wraith Ranger, the Arcane Archer, the Sapiarch, and the Black Ranger (and others, I'm just having issues with names at the moment.) What I am struggling with is a way to properly introduce the elements I want to; vengeance, a body twisted by undeath, and a soul that screams out in agony for the release of eternal sleep. I have done exactly one necromancer build (heavily, HEAVILY modded, roleplaying as a serial killer; fun shit.) and could use any tips anyone has to make it more...overwhelming. Putting the Ritual Stone on the Aetherial Crown, and such; things other than that. Also, information I need; is there any town, or city, that upon doing all relevant quests, you can be left with nobody who is essential? This is an important question; arguably the most important. If anyone can provide me an answer to that (or a list), that'd be wonderful.


  • Member
    October 18, 2016
    @Garkus I wish I could help you more than this, but I can at least provide an answer about a city where everyone can be made unessential. Riverwood. Unless you mean a hold capital, in which case I can be of no assistance.
  • Member
    October 18, 2016

    Are level 81 builds allowed?

  • October 19, 2016

    Allowed, certainly, but not really recommended. Most viewers aren't going to play to 55-60 (and that's considered a high level build) unless it's REALLY damn fun and interesting. 81 is almost out of the question; the leveling slows down so much without exploits. 

  • Member
    October 19, 2016

    mitch blatt said:

    Are level 81 builds allowed?

    They're allowed, yes, but don't expect many people to want to play a build that takes days of grinding to achieve.

  • October 19, 2016

    @ Garkus:  The Emo Archer :P I kid, seriously that's alot to try and convey in a name but maybe the Grave Seeker or Grave Hunter?  Grave having two meanings, either the literal resting place of a dead body or intensly serious attitude toward something.  This would tough on both their fatalistic temperment and drive for vengeance.  As far as cities without essential people, doesn't exist at least not in vanilla skyrim though I'm sure you can remove the essential tag through mods.  Also Hold Guards are inifinite, they will continue to spawn over and over making it impossible to completely clear an entire city.

    @ mitch:  I have only ever played one character to level 81 and that was purely to get he Legendary dragon and Ebony Warrior to show up and required some heavy exploit usage.  Level 81+ builds are allowed but not really recommended.  Honestly if you are bringing every skill to level 100 and taking every perk then you don't have A build, you have EVERY build. 

  • Member
    October 19, 2016

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    Honestly if you are bringing every skill to level 100 and taking every perk then you don't have A build, you have EVERY build. 

    Well, since we can make Legendary skills in Dragonborn, you don't have to bring every single skill to 100 any more. Still a pain in the behind, though.


  • Member
    October 19, 2016

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    @ mitch:  I have only ever played one character to level 81 and that was purely to get he Legendary dragon and Ebony Warrior to show up and required some heavy exploit usage.  Level 81+ builds are allowed but not really recommended.  Honestly if you are bringing every skill to level 100 and taking every perk then you don't have A build, you have EVERY build. 

    I'm not putting perks into ALL the skills, just Light Armor, One-handed, Two-handed, Conjuration, Sneak, Archery, Enchanting, Restoration, Block, Alchemy, and Pickpocket. Level 81, I think, came from overestimating how much I'd need to put into magicka/health/stamina, or just forgetting to update the stats as I revised the build. I started out planning to be able to cast high-cost spells, which I'd use cost-reduction enchants for (but I wouldn't use four of the same kind, to avoid being OP), but then I scrapped that because I didn't want the weirdness of having a Flame and Frost Thrall, but no Storm Thrall. I didn't factor in the use of summons in combat, hence overestimating how much health I'd need, plus how much carry weight I'd need for healing potions.


  • October 20, 2016

    @ Mitch: My suggestion for character building is to first create a basic outline of what you want the character to do in the game.  For example I might say I want an imperial loyalist nord who can tank alot of damage and leads his comrades into battle.  Pretty basic. 

    I then list what quests i want to complete, and in what order if applicable.  This will often include the necessary quests to get the gear he uses, plus any that i think make sense for the character to do.  So, considering the above example, the Civil War makes sense, as well as the Companions questline, and Destroying the Dark Brotherhood.  I may decide that he is a paladin type fighter which means I may want to do Meridia's quest and help the Dawnguard in their war against the Vampire's to recieve the very paladin friendly weapons those quests will provide. 

    Once i figure out what quests i need to complete to get the gear and powers that i want, and what quests make sense from a role-play perspective, I then create a new character and play through the game with those goals in mind.  This will give you the best feel for how the character progresses, how much M/H/S he will need, and how quickly or slowly his skills progress.  This will also give you a good idea of what level he will end up being when all is said and done.  This process will let you know if some perks, while good and useful for the character, are unneccessary or even unobtainable, considering how the character progresses.

    So I guess what i'm trying to say is don't plan so much ahead of time.  Create a basic outline of activities the character will do in game and then play them out and see where you end up.