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  • September 15, 2016

    Tenebrous said: Hey, Veloth. According to the mighty UESP, both Solstheim and Bleackrock Isle were- at least at one point- Holds of Skyrim. Though these days, Solstheim is Dunmer land, and nobody knows the fate of Bleakrock's settlement after the events of ESO (lore-wise I mean)

    Yeah I see UESP has them listed, not sure if I would they were actual Holds though. UESP doesn't mention Northshore at all so no idea what that is.

  • September 23, 2016
    Who was Kohnarik's previous wearer?
  • September 23, 2016

    There is really no answer as to who Kohnarik belongs to. The best theories I've heard are it was either Vahloks or Ysgramors.

  • Member
    September 23, 2016
    Anyone know about Dunmer Houses besides the Great ones? I mean, House Sadras had to come from somewhere before overtaking Hlaalu...
  • Member
    September 23, 2016

    Is it possible the Emperor has assassins or clandestine agents working for him?

  • Member
    September 23, 2016

    Chris said:

    Is it possible the Emperor has assassins or clandestine agents working for him?

    Well when the Blades served as the Emperorer's bodyguards they also had agents who would do that sort of thing. In fact the Aldmeri Dominian sent the heads of everyone of those agents that were within their borders to the Emperor before the Great War. 

    It wouldn't be that surprising if the current Emperor had a similar group, hell the Penitus Oculatus may even have a devision devoted to that sort of thing.

  • September 24, 2016

    Golden Fool said:

    Chris said:

    Is it possible the Emperor has assassins or clandestine agents working for him?

    Well when the Blades served as the Emperorer's bodyguards they also had agents who would do that sort of thing. In fact the Aldmeri Dominian sent the heads of everyone of those agents that were within their borders to the Emperor before the Great War. 

    It wouldn't be that surprising if the current Emperor had a similar group, hell the Penitus Oculatus may even have a devision devoted to that sort of thing.

    If anything, Penitus Oculatus are precisely that, as suggested in the Novels.

    There are Thalmor nests and sympathizers throughout Cyrodiil, and the Penitus Oculatus keeps undercover agents in at least one of them. p.152

    Penitus Oculatus is an Imperially run intelligence and assassination agency which appears to have replaced the Blades. Relmar Vel is its Administrator and Marall its Intendant. p.153

    Members of the Penitus Oculatus are known colloquially as “spectres” and are generally disliked. p. 158

  • September 24, 2016

    Tenebrous said: Anyone know about Dunmer Houses besides the Great ones? I mean, House Sadras had to come from somewhere before overtaking Hlaalu...

    Thing is that other Houses are never mentioned elsewhere - or I don´t remember it. But, what is a House? Family first, right? Then maybe you buy alliances with smaller Houses, becoming one? What I´m trying to say. Any Dunmeri surname can technically be a House - if they are not members of other Great Houses already. If I remember it correctly, it was really hard to bump into Dunmer on Vvardenfel that wasn´t a member of one of the Great Houses.

  • Member
    September 25, 2016

    Another question! I know that dual-wielding swords would, in real life, not be practical, despite what Skyrim and ESO would tell you. But what about blunt weapons, like maces?

  • Member
    September 28, 2016
    Were there any experiments on using dwemer (or other) technology on humans/mer? Like as artificial arms and legs or something?

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